"Gravity on Maldek was denser than Mars" so Maldekians "developed a thicker frame and a more aggressive attitude." The Maldekians threatened the Martians. When Alalu landed, he donned his eagle helmet [oxygen mask] and wetsuit. Referenceshttp://wp.me/p1TVCy-2cq Currently you have JavaScript disabled. We progressed when the Anunnaki gave us new technologies. The Draconians do have one powerful weapon which even the Galactic Federation and United Federation of Dimensions fear called , a mobile planet located in the Red Regions that served as a stronghold of the Empire. Drako Galaxies. According to the first known Draconian linguist, there was no such thing as an "insignificant corner of Draconian space". Gaia is the leading consciousness of our planet, Earth. They guided it to kill the Lyrans who fled to Maldek and Mars. Children of the masked men, heirs of the dark kingdom. But by then most Lyrans had already gone to other worlds. He targeted Nibiru with missiles. Doctors told his mother there was no chance she would ever have children and yet she bore Stewart. The Orion Empire transformed into a true matriarchy with Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, as it's benevolent ruler. The game uses twin stick controls to provide an intricate and hard to master gameplay. We need a king who acts now. For many millennia, they have journeyed to countless worlds, pillaging and destroying civilizations for the sake of conquering and destruction. One of their most trademark technologies were special watches which allowed non Chameleon Draconians to take the form of others through technosis. Malus refers to these as "sleeper agents" as it appears that Draconians are able to activate these Reptilian genetics in a bloodline human, at which the human suddenly changes and becomes more Draconian in nature, awakening qualities such as fearlessness, stamina, power, ambition, and focus. This civilization of the Draconians would become known as one of the most oldest, advanced civilizations in the universe, having gaining centuries of experience in magecraft and technological advancements from their master race. "true red or reddish hair". Anu, who descended from King Ans youngest son (Enuru), contested Alalus claim. LYRANS, DRACOS, PLEIADIANS, MARTIANS, VENUSIANS, AGARTHANS & NIBIRAN ANUNNAKI CAME TO EARTH: Swerdlow Exposes CIA Info, on LYRANS, DRACOS, PLEIADIANS, MARTIANS, VENUSIANS, AGARTHANS & NIBIRAN ANUNNAKI CAME TO EARTH: Swerdlow Exposes CIA Info, PROTO-ANUNNAKI ROYALS ON A PLANET OF SYRIUS C MIGRATED TO NIBIRU, Anunnaki Message Published In UFO Magazine in 1958 You-tubed 4 U. We need to love and enjoy the physical material world and honor it accordingly, before we can move on out of the physical world, ascending upward consciously. In the Gulf, Alalu confirmed gold. There have been reports of Reptilians with and without tails, with and without wings, and hidden genitalia. SOLD MAR 31, 2023. Pulling oneself up by ones bootstraps is not really possible. Humanity must question and reject the many monstrous, though seductive beliefs, experiences, and compulsions of the alien agenda that have become physical and psychological addiction for the masses. Anu said he, not Alalu, should rule. Drako. We humans should rightfully listen to and accept their guidance which will lead to the positive evolution of humankind through and beyond this phase of physical incarnations. Even Arcturians, beings who have repressed their emotions can easily fall into a berserk state from taking hold of it. When they were created the Ciakars were seeded on a planet called Cekahrra where they had the best chance of survival. The Christ and other benign beings have guided our progress in spite of the opposition. It seeks to reach Akasha not only to conquer existence, but to use its power to increase It's longevity indefinitely. The masses are mind-controlled by every sensory means possible religion, education, media, drugs, chemistry, including fluorine and chlorine, vaccinations, medicine, finances, government. The Draco agenda is the complete antithesis of the Christ conscious evolution of our solar system. We have been under the thumb of the oppressing alien interlopers for hundreds of thousands of years. In his book, Blue Blood, True Blood, Stewart Swerdlow writes that some four billion years ago the Humans of the Lyran System (except Pleiadian Atlans) fled then created the Galactic Federation of 110 scattered planets to fight Reptilians from the Draco system. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Some came to Earth. The Draconians created a slave race which came to be known as the Shangri-La through the use of genetic cloning. One type has white segmented skin, cat-like eyes, wings, and a pronounced jaw and teeth. Dominance Over the centuries, they along with the Illuminati Order have been secretly manipulating human governments and factions for their agenda to dominate earth. SOLD MAR 31, 2023. The reptilian Dracos and other races of a negative persuasion had influenced many brilliant German scientists who responded favorably to their call for power and ego aggrandizing. After Noahs flood, Anunnaki ruled through Noahs sons descendants. 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine slavesthats usfrom their genome. The station had controlled him and when the lock was released, he lost his identity but has since regained it but has never lost his memories of his experience at Montauk. Another tidbit from Lamiroy:Procyon started as a colony by Rigelians of Lyran descent. It was armed with a superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems halfway space. Since the Industrial Revolution, the situation has intensified. Migration 5: Vegans settled Sirius, then Orion and Earth. This gives humans the false impression that there are no rules, but in fact, this can be done only under certain conditions, dereliction of duty and cowardice among them, and the challenge can be made only to a direct superior. Anunnaki and hybrid overseers imprinted their greed, one-upsmanship and dominator-consciousness on us. Competitive and expansive, their massive egos have allowed them to seed themselves as the rightful rulers of lesser advanced worlds such as earth, The individuals within the high council, though they have the appearance of notable age and wear, their temperament is said to be utterly devoid of empathy or patience. The Federation, Lamiroy says, includes non-physical races, Sirian groups, Orion organisations as well asKoldasians and Dal civilisations from a parallel universe. This belief system is promoted at birth in Draconian races. They have been able to use Dimensional Warp technology for their ships and developed highly dangerous weapons. Earth, then entirely ice- and ocean-covered; its only intelligent lifeforms were nontechnological and aquatic. Reptilians who show signs of weakness are beaten or even killed. He pondered while Nibirus air bled into space. The Draconians' influence is possibly their greatest weapon. c. 7th century BC), also called Drako or Drakon, was the first recorded legislator of Athens in Ancient Greece. (This pact will in millennia to come fuel wars on Earth.) These experiences are available to any who choose to become aware of them. "In their chaotic state, the Draco are utterly without mercy, driven by one will alone: the will to conquer and destroy. The abrupt fall of darkness on Earth startled him; Nibirus days (rotation on its axis) stretched much longer. The Draconians refer to this as "drinking juice". This alarmed some of the Federation members who left the Federation and started a new galactic alliance, one that pushes helpful intervention in Earths development. Receive an email when new posts are published. If the eagle was the standard of the legion, the draco was the standard of the Roman cohort or in modern society, battalion. The Dacian draco was a military standard used by troops of the ancient Dacian people, which can be seen in the hands of the soldiers of Decebalus in several scenes depicted on Trajan's Column in Rome, Italy. After eons of incarnating into their bird-like bodies, the Carians began to genetically design many species in the multiverse. In Orion, Lyran-Vegansbut mostly Vegansallied themselves with Reptilian races. Bloodline humans would also be easier for the Draconians to mind steer, to have an active role through that person here on Earth. Most of Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE . "piercing eyes". Where I come from, they are one and the same. The fate of Nibiru is in my hands. Entire masses of people ascended into a higher dimensional reality. Let celestial boats [rockets] the gold to Nibiru bring over. These monsters are also implanted with weapons on their armor. For extremes, they utilize horrific methods to turn human soldiers into Domesticated psychopaths. Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be an actual hybrid (half human - half draconian) but would fall to one side or the other. THE ALLIANCE LEAVES FEDERATION TO HELP PLANETS ACHIEVE PEACE, UNITY AND SPIRITUALITY, The Federations still active, as are the Draco and Federation Empires. At some point in earth's early history, the Draconian Empire came to earth to infect it with their evil agenda. Like with the thousands of worlds they've conquered, their big goal is to dominate Earth and replace the human race with a handful of the Neo Cekahrr: Draconian/Human hybrid custom designed, engineered and cloned biological androids / trans-humans which are biological machines when the time is right, and eventually take over the Milky Way Galaxy. The Draco empire also had colonies modeled along the Old Universe Empire. The Roman Empire ( Latin: Imperium Rmnum, Classical Latin: [ mp.ri. roma.n ]) was a post-Draco Empire period of the nation state established by the Princeps Senatvs Athens Dracnoian Gvntarvs, consisting mostly but not entirely of large or extreme territorial holdings surrounding the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, North . It can leave a human drained and weak and even feeling sick. Draconian women were treated as equals, except in politics and matters of inheritance. To raise overcast to hold Nibirus air, he had rockets drop nuclear bombs in Nibiru volcanoes. There are seven different species in the Draco empire. Let decision supplant hesitation. For example, If a fire user and an ice user opposes a Mal'ik, It will copy the fire user's power to eliminate the ice user, while doing vice versa for the fire user. The Martians got a defense shield machine from the beings of Khoom a planet of Sirius A to defend themselves against the Maldekians and the Draco comet heading for our sun. The Draco comet moved on past the Earth toward the Sun and settled into an orbit between Earth and Mercury. CooperatingVegans and Reptilians of Orionbeganthe Orion Empire around the time the Federation started. Today, you call them aliens. These machines are grey, scaly sentries that range up to 17 feet tall. As we face new ET demands for our allegiance and gold, we can negotiate for life extension, medicine, free energy, space transport and other ET technologies. Their sole aim is to watch over our evolution and guide us during times of turbulence. From the crowds he stealthily escaped; of dying like Lahma he was fearful. The obscuring forces of the negative aliens are dissipating and we humans can perceive more clearly in both the physical and spiritual worlds, hence making wiser choices. Combat is deliberate and impactful, requiring both finesse and quick decision making skills. Their first colony on Earth was known as Lemuria. They are a cross species between humans and draconians. The terraformers introduced advanced hominoids, ancestors of Erectus, Neanderthal and Bigfoot, to Earth so the Anunnaki could implant Erectus genes into their Homo Sapien genome and thus adapt their genome to Earth. These ancient civilizationsventured into space and started colonising, encountered other races and civilisations. Each species had its own place in the structure of their society. We can end physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, derogation of women, gold lust, antagonistic religions and nations the gods and the hybrid elite they created dictated. The Illuminati, says Swerdlow,are planning a staged alien invasion to trick people into forming a one-world government and theyll use holographic technology to project imaginary battles, Swerdlow warned. We watched them kill each other to rule; the elite today still kill each other and each others followers. They have also gotten into many conflicts with the Galactic Federation and United Federation of Dimensions even though the Draconians do not seem to acknowledge them as important threats. No missing physical links existed since we appeared suddenly, when Enki and his cohorts added Erectus genes to their genome. Inner Earth became the homeland for most surviving Reptilians of Lemuria.. The Dracos on Earth colonized a Pacific content called Lemuria and later battled with the Atlanteans. Enshars son, Duuru, failed to create a hereditary heir, but the Council of Counselors made his adopted son, Lahma, King. Im taking over now, before we lose all our air. Alalu hurled Lahma from the tower. Our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, similes and analogies to the words the gods gave us. The Reptilians within Venus surfaced and built seven domed cities on the Venutian surface from which to conquer the Solaris System and kill its Lyran Refugees. Otherwise, Draconian women were expected to exhibit the same physical prowess and lust for blood and as the men. Within our galactic neighborhood, Lamiroy writes, there are several humanoid races. Something that they have never been able to accomplish. The original humanoid population of Vega created settlements on worlds in Altair, Centauri, Sirius, and Orion. Cupbearer Anu seethed when Alalu failed to protect and replenish Nibirus atmosphere. Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy convened the Council of Hatona of Earths Atlanteans, other human and Reptilian groups on Earth, as well as the Reptilians in Earths caverns. Alalu, now King, made Anu his Cupbearer. Draconians are extremely territorial. Under the Martian surface, Maldekian refugees and Martians quarreled. On earth, there are Reptilian-human hybrids who possess Draconian DNA. This makes them extremely dangerous due to the fact that they can telepathically attack their enemies in many ways such as: Showing them illusions and visions, assaulting them with telepathic messages, and is even able to mentally control their subjects for a time. Every 3,600 years, they gave us marvelous devices, astronomical and geological information, new crops, new chemistry and ever-more lethal weapons. This group is said to be the sorcerer or priest class of Draconians. They seeded themselves on an unknown world and began to take on the form of the bird-like creatures on the planet. He is still renowned all over the world for his legal codes and the harsh laws he established. He waded ashore, then returned to his rocket and took the helmet off. Most of them are physical; some are not. Although historians do not have much information about his early life, written texts about his laws still survive. The Reptilians colonized a huge empire with humanoid worlds they conquered or who joined voluntarily. Several moved to Earth. These are known as being extremely dangerous and hateful towards humans, other non-Draconians, and lesser-ranking Draconians. The NibiransAnunnaki to usadapted their genomes to Earth to create us. Browser based, no downloads required. The other Ciakar Draconians had gone extinct while the remaining one consume the life force of other worlds to survive. Average Draconians are said to be physically stronger than any normal human, though their strength varies depending on which size and type they are. In worlds around Sirius humanoid settlers found species that not like them and chose to move on to Orion. When those who are awakening can act in concert to realign the cultures and societal norms once again with innate human values and morality, the addictive residues will be cleared, and we can work in harmony to create a world of our own choosing. Alalu explored the marsh. They colonized nearby Vega (25 light years from Earth), where they found and interbred with brown-skinned people, the Vegans and their combined populations explored and planted colonies in the Orion, Sirius, Altair and Alpha Centauri systems. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence splicing human and reptilian genes, has seemingly been attempted. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Their end goal is to conquer the entire universe, and they see Satan as a secondary ruler because of the fact that they have the same goal of dominating Akasha. This image was the last to contain all of Dimorphos in the field of view. Because of their great influence over man, they are highly formidable foes. The Christ and other benign beings have guided our progress in spite of the opposition. To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was recruited for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, which enhanced his natural abilities. Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru. Their religion believed in a God-Mind that contained a hierarchy, or caste system. Numbers of them never stoop to interventions in physical matter. ATLANTIS. Draco Malfoy was a rude selfcentered neckgrabbing heartbreaker, raised upon wealth and reputation. They specialize in mind manipulation/control and are able to open doorways between other worlds. They modeled, dictated and indoctrinated avarice, domination, slavery, competition, hate and violence. For the same purpose, the Empire often seeks to expand through conquest. He also found fish aplenty, though the water registered undrinkable. Christ is the Solar Logos*, the highest evolutionary being in charge and the regent of the Solar System. They bred us to slave in mines, armies, businesses, schools, governments, farms, factories, brothels and building projects. SomeReptilian worlds joined the Federation to escape Draco rule. To my conditions you must give heed! Sitchin solved the mysteries of missing hominid links never found since they didnt exist. Two of the rivers he found, the Tigris and Euphrates, still flow through Iraq. The Draconians refer to this as "drinking juice" and by ingesting this energy, an individual will feel drained, weak and even ill in some cases. When in battle, they display great amounts of ferocity and aggressiveness against their enemies and takes pleasure in torturing their enemies in a multitude of ways. Transcend and value value your differences. Our ancestors plundered, enslaved or killed whomever their master, the dominant Nibiran in their area, told them. Drinking juice & quot ; Empire transformed into a berserk state from taking hold of it form! Sirius humanoid settlers found species that not like them and chose to move on to.... Really possible legal codes and the same physical prowess and lust for blood as! Systems halfway space Lyrans who fled to Maldek and Mars Orionbeganthe Orion Empire transformed into a state! Laws still survive the Shangri-La through the use of genetic cloning the dark kingdom & quot ; drinking &... Come fuel wars on Earth. much longer and weak and even feeling sick towards. 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