mascaramurder.blogspot 133 16 16 comments Best Add a Comment AutoModerator 2 yr. ago Or was she just so into sadomasochism and was such a promiscuous chick that she would have had sex with anyone. Warning This audiobook contains police to court transcripts and descriptions of graphic sexual violence contained in videotapes made obvious the perpetrators Paul Bernado and Karla Homolka were so perfectly iconic as a newlywed couple. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. She had time to consider what they had done and made a decision. Paul claimed that Karla then gave the young girl a lethal dose. If we know anything about Karla, it's that she's highly competitive. This was likely a result of the trauma Leslie endured for hours on end. Karla certainly didn't go running to police when they abducted and raped their first victim, or the second or the third, or the fourth and so on. ITA, folks. I hope our president doesnt simply put his head in the sand. The family settled in the town of St. Catharines, Ontario, and up until Christmas Eve 1990 led a decidedly normal and unassuming life. But Karla ignored her cries. By 1980's standards Karla didn't really have all that hairy a pussy. In the end, I don't think it matters much who technically stopped the girls' breath; Karla could have put an end to all of it, and she chose not to. Today, we'll take a look at the couple's escalating crimes as they go from accidental murderers to cold blooded killers. I don't believe that it was Karla's will to prowl for young girls to abuse; that was 100% Paul. Kristen did what she could to please her insatiable captors in the hopes that they would let her go. Two weeks after Kristen's abduction, a man searching for scrap metal found the teen's body. She later recalled. 'Cuz I know the actual act of murder was a huge turn on for people like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, etc. Petition: Release the Karla Homolka Broadcast! Tammys death was an unpredictable tragedy. With Paul unmasked as a serial rapist and killer, the public demanded justice. Hi, Anon: I'm sure your prayers are greatly appreciated by the families who continue on in their suffering.Thanks for reading :), I have a question aswell: How are the all the parents doing?I mean does Karlas family still talk to her? Aren't the pics of the baby posing with a beer just great? In the early hours of December 24th, 1990, 26 year old Paul Bernardo turned off his video camera. Some allege that Karla has actually returned to St. Catharines -- the scene of her crimes -- on a number of occasions to visit her aging parents, and sister Lori (aka Logan"), who is also married with three children of her own. Paul wanted Karla to role play as her younger sister. Source National Archives. So one night she worked up the strength to call her father, Carl. These are the kind of people that just should have never ever been born. Apparently, Paul didn't care if Karla knew he stepped out on her. In addition to debilitating narcissism and being psychopaths I'm sure. On December 27th, 28 year old Paul beat Karla with a flashlight, hitting her in the face over and over. Together, they watched approximately 20 minutes of Lisa and the Devil before Tammy passed out unconscious. They dumped her naked body in a ditch about 20 miles away, then returned home on April 30th. Depicted in the media as another Paul Bernardo, Gerbet was convicted of strangling his girlfriend, Cathy Caretta, in a jealous rage. For his part, Paul seemed to feel no guilt. Hello again, I am now Writing in french also and try to give more information to Guadeloupeans, so that we will be more to write to Francois Hollande and ask him what he can do. Paul and Karla kept the young girl in their home for days, raping her repeatedly. Karla reportedly suggested to her husband: What about her?. Lori Homolka: "It's so easy to con people. Kristen fought back, but Paul was taller than her and much stronger. If you did that you would get more time than she got for three murders and yes, murders,if you participate in murder you are just as guilty. They also had a major problem on their hands: Tammy began to vomit, and to choke, and then she stopped breathing. This monster has many faces. His girlfriend, 20 year old Karla Homolka, was ignoring his orders and he wasn't happy about it. SUBSCRIBE: $1 for 3 months. And why do people even attempt at arguing she's a "good mother" - just b/c she's "granola" now & breast feeds! Be warned. Even if it is possible for someone capable of inflicting so much pain on others to be truly reformed, I don't think very many people out there would want her living next door to them, nor do I think there would be a very big line to buy her baby gear. The first Fireside Chat, updating the electorate on what the federal government was doing to address the banking crisis of 1933, came just eight days into Roosevelt's first administration, direct from the White House to half a million listeners. !Also make sure to check out both "official" reports: The Campbell Report (relating to the way Bernardo's case was handled), and The Galligan Report (relating to the way Karla was handled, primarily focusing on whether or not her deal was appropriate). The memory of the rape and accidental murder of his fiancee's teenage sister wasn't enough to satisfy his violent desires. In addition to debilitating narcissism and being psychopaths I'm sure. It's certainly in my opinion one of the most fascinating ones out there. Paul was eager to play with his new toy. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Many people are uncomfortable being the center of attention, making fireside chats excellent because the focus is on more than one person. Karla made no move to free her. 2) Do you think she intentionally murdered Tammy? Just open the app and type serial killers in the search bar. Provide added value for the participants. This is exactly what major companies are paying for. Karla is now living in Chateauguay, QC at 16 Beauchamp. Paul's twisted desires support the theory that he lives with malignant narcissistic personality disorder, though he's never been formally diagnosed. Do they believe her?Where is Pauls Family? In fact many of them enjoy the bad things they do. (She should have been charged with murder 1 as soon as they found the tape of her sister. Shortly into their drive, they spotted 15 year old Kristen French walking near Grace Lutheran Church. The average Canadian seemed to have a hard time making sense of the fact that a woman who had taken part in the murder of three children now had a child of her own. April 28, 1942. When the couple looked closer and saw that there were body parts in the cement, they raised the alarm. Hi, I'm Greg Polson. Oops sorry for the typo! Now that she's more mature, the "in" thing to do is to be a doting mom. Paul Bernardo was into virgins. Pauls trusty camcorder hummed in the background, recording the teenagers degradation for posterity. Bernardo alleges that, early on in their relationship, he asked his young girlfriend what she would think if he told her that he was a rapist. Personally, I think her trysts with women were all entirely self-serving, and had little or nothing to do with her personal preferences. As Williams wasn't working on the case in any official capacity, this would have been illegal. Hi, Anon! Unfortunately, Karla had no idea what she was doing when she mixed her sister's drink. She's trying hard to portray the "granola" mom image because that is what's fashionable at the moment. After a long day of sustained abuse, Paul brought his still blindfolded victim upstairs to Karla. Do you think she manipulated Paul into everything and led him to believe that he was the one in control?2) Do you think Karla was the true killer of the girls? Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. You can find more episodes of Serial Killers and all of the podcast originals for free on Spotify, not only to Spotify, already have all of your favorite music, but now Spotify is making it easy for you to enjoy all of your favorite podcast originals like Serial Killers for free from your phone desktop or smart speaker to stream serial killers on Spotify. His charm and good looks offered a protection Paul relied on for much of his adult life, and it helped him escape detection as a violent, sadistic predator. Defense lawyers for Paul Bernardo Wednesday attempted to chip away at videotapes showing sexual assaults on murder victims Kristen French, 15, and Leslie Mahaffy, 14. President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers a fireside chat on government and capitalism, September 30, 1934. Personally, I think she's even sicker than he is because she wasn't compelled by psychopathy -- it was all her choice.2) Personally, I believe she killed the girls. Plz, keep those muff pictures up. I agree--it is much healthier to have a full triangle of hair in that area of the body--it is healthy to have a clear way to separate the women from the girls and this is how it used to be done. Initially, Karla refused, but Paul was persistent. I hope somebody takes her 'out'. There was nothing that could stop him now except for perhaps his wife. Wenn Sie einen Zauberwirker bentigen, der in der Lage ist, einen Zauber zu wirken, der wirklich funktioniert, sollten Sie ihn kontaktieren. How to organize a successful fireside chat. His first request was denied. The video was eventually viewed as court evidence. The one I read was called fireside chat I think? Can they help prevent their behavior like this?6) Do you think the act of murder turned them on and made them orgasm etc? I hope she fears everyday that what she was involved in could possibly happen to her child. Karla told friends she wanted to give her parents more space to grieve the loss of their youngest daughter. But Paul ignored her request. She wanted to eliminate her "competition" - in her sick mind these young girls were rivals even though they were kidnapped & held against their will. She thought it better to make him happy. We don't know the girl's name, so we'll call her Natasha. It is very hard to get inside the head of someone so unlike anyone I have ever encountered before. Karla had immunity and was untouchable with no deal to protect him. The autopsy on her body was conducted poorly, and as a result, her death was ultimately ruled an unfortunate accident. But still, she was scared of his verbal and physical abuse and did what she could to stay safe in the marriage. Wir waren glcklich verheiratet und hatten zwei Kinder, einen Jungen und ein Mdchen. She might have seen his face, he said, or remember his car. The couple moved Tammy into Karla's bedroom, then phoned nine one one. That is going to be their end. He loved watching himself rape his girlfriend's unconscious sister and was obsessed with the moment when he took her virginity, even though he took great joy reliving that night. Keep up the great work Kitty! The only mention of Tammy she allowed was a brief reference in her father's toast, otherwise all eyes were on Karla and her dashing groom while the murderous newlyweds honeymooned in Hawaii. How can a sexually sadistic torturer & murderer possibly make a good mother? Thats her only power, she uses people who are stupid and fucked up in the head like her. Paul raped Tammy Lyn repeatedly, in a variety of ways, while Karla held a rag soaked in Halothane over her little sisters nose and mouth. my husband was cheating on me and when i found out we had a fight which lead to him filling for a divorce i cried and fell sick when i was searching about love quotes online i saw people talking about him and his great work whose case was similar to mine they left his contact info i contacted him and he told me not to worry that after 24hrs he will cancel the divorce and be back to me after i did everything he asked me to do to my greatest surprise the next day evening it was my husband he knelt down begging me to accept him back,thank you once again Dr irekenagba you are indeed a blessing to me he can also help you contact him on.. WhatsApp: +2347059630655 email:, OFFRE DE CREDIT ENTRE PARTICULIER .Si vous souhaitez faire un emprunt d'argent entre particuliers srieux et fiable, Tout notre plaisir sera de vous aider bnficier de prts entre particuliers si vous incarnez le srieux. Mein Mann und ich sind jetzt seit ungefhr 7 Jahren verheiratet. I don't think she can help it. To be fair, he wanted her to perform the act on her 15 year old sister, Tammy, which is probably what held Karla back. He also uses the fireside chat as a platform to push forward proposed bills that Congress had yet to act upon. But when Karla later returned to pick up her clothes, Paul was waiting for her. This episode of Serial Killers was written by Lauren Dalil with writing assistants by Abigail Canon and stars Greg Poulsen and Vanessa Richardson. According to Dr. Eve Gallagher, Dr. Kenneth Levy and Frank Yeomen's, malignant narcissism is the most severe form of narcissistic personality disorders. Now, with three murders under his belt, there was no chance police would connect him to Kristen French. To send her back to Canada would of course be the best, her Children have to be put under observation, but they have a father too! Please God bring your new and peaceful world where justice will dwell. Having lived in an abusive relationship since she was 17, she finally stepped out of the shadows of the shame and guilt she felt. From many of the serial killers out there, this one seems to stand out most for me.. ", "I cried more hearing her tell what happened". Now she passed out on a blanket between Paul and Karla. A very happy life indeed for at least the past 2 years. Almost 24 hours since Leslie's abduction, Paul showed no signs of exhaustion. Like who knows if she would have committed crimes if she had never met him.You said it -- who knows. After being in relationship with markiss for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. fireside chats, series of radio addresses delivered by U.S. Pres. Coming up, Karla takes a stab now back to the story. Who cares if she breast feeds. Paul felt cocky and was ready for his next attack. Also Logan has pics of herself, husband & 3 kids all over MySpace. You can't have him now because we tortured raped and murdered you. Perhaps he chalked it up to a coping mechanism in the wake of her sister's sudden death. They add too much to the story for me to delete them; maybe try to avert your eyes? They looked just like Barbie and Ken. Trying to find the Best Dating Website? Paul didn't seem worried about getting caught for years. He let her into the guestroom, where he undressed and raped her, all while Karla slept upstairs. How the lawyers could botch something so badly is terrifying. The last thing that Karla wanted was for Tammy to wake up while Paul was raping her. They videotaped a conversation about it. ", Bernardo/Homolka Discussion Forum & Resource Archive. It's also possible that after receiving psychiatric care, Karla was finally able to confront the horrors of her past. She treasured her collection of Barbie dolls, and would often dream about one day having the perfect husband, the perfect home, and the perfect life, just like Barbie. She obviously trimmed considerably whereas most women from that era had a very full hairy delta. Peace be with you all, may that nasty fucking c*nt rot in hell. We want her GONE! 2016.11.01 Bernardo is scheduled for a day-parole hearing in March 2017. I truly believe that Tammy Homolka, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French will all be resurrected someday in the future on a cleansed, happy, healthy and paradise earth. The reason she got away with so much is because the Canadian government made a huge mistake, and they refused to ever fix it. The reports of her conduct in prison do not reflect a stable, rehabilitated person. Despite the increased media attention. About this speech. Books about the case were showing up in local libraries with half the content blacked-out because it went against the ban it was absolutely *nuts*, and the fact that it felt like information was being kept from the public at large made people angry, which is perhaps one of the many reasons that this horror story won't ever be forgotten.If you are interested in learning even more, I recommend Stephen Williams' books: INVISIBLE DARKNESS, and KARLA: PACT WITH THE DEVIL. For someone who's always been obsessed with her appearance, I think it would be like a form of punishment.8) I have no interest in writing to either of them; Paul is a ranting nutter, and Karla is a liar, so I don't really see much point in trying to pick either of their brains. Thanks for sharing your opinions, I'm impressed with how much you know about this case! And did everything he said because of this or was as I suggested, possibly just a skilled manipulator?4) If Karla was completely heterosexual than why was it her who suggested for her and Paul to keep sex slaves? If that was her intention, it paid off. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. And the investigation went cold. Anyway here I'll post question 2 again:2) Do you think she intentionally murdered Tammy? This wasn't how the night was supposed to go. We've just gotten sidetracked even though we have our problems. Physically, she is ugly, puny, and dumpy and could only hurt others with the help of Paul or with chemicals to drug her victims (or objects). Hunt her down and give her a blanket party! April 28, 1935: Fireside Chat 7: On the Works Relief Program and Social Security Act audio icon transcript icon. So in January of 1991, just weeks after Tammy's death, Paul recorded two videos of Karla dressed in her sister's clothing, sprawled on Tammy's bed. But it seems her letters did little to win back Paul's affection. karla and paul were the subject of a show called "twisted" on investigation discovery this evening. The assaults, the tapes revealed that Paul was every bit as evil as Karla insisted, though they also showed that she enjoyed her part in the acts, too. When you really think about it, though, the modern trend of utter smoothness is kinda weird. 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