Cheng 1996. . I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? Stargazers rejoice! That makes it pretty much impossible to store in solution. It's just that it may have been a bit too reactive. Well made ships will have self sealing compartments to deal with hull breaches, so you might do some damage to the area directly adjacent to the impact site. Answer (1 of 4): CHAOS LEVEL 10!! IDLH Value: 12 ppm (45 mg/m3) Basis for IDLH Value: The IDLH value for chlorine trifluoride (CIF3) is based on data on eye irritation in rats exposed at a concentration of 480 ppm for 5 minutes, which was determined to be escape-impairing [Horn and. Although scores of violent detonations have occurred, with resultant demolition of much apparatus, no personal injury has been suffered. Safety and Health Staying power, that's what I call it. They isolated the compound chlorine trifluoride (ClF3), which was liquid (check!) It remains, with its chemical relatives, off in a part of chemical science that's safe from human exploitation. Rather fortunately, chlorine trifluoride. . They started churning the stuff out by the tons before deciding it was far too unstable and reactive to handle. The compound also a stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen itself, which also puts it into rare territory. (A courier ship on a desperate run carrying "plans" fights a desperate battle to protect them, not surrendering, finaly self destructing in a desperate sacrifice yada, yada etc. But not here. I really have to salute the dedication involved in finding that out, though - after two or three violent explosions, you or I might be tempted to just say that we couldn't determine the products of the reaction. 7790-91-2). Thanks to a note from reader Robert L., I can report that there is indeed such a reagent:chlorine trifluoride. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy: Melissa writes for the wildly popular interesting fact website For instance, after studying and experimenting with this chemical for rocket use, rocket scientist Dr. John D. Clark famously said about the best way to deal with potential chlorine trifluoride rocket accidents- I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.. Chlorine Trifluoride (ClF3) SC (Semiconductor) is a nearly colorless gas with an irritating odor similar to chlorine or mustard with an extremely low odor threshold. Physicists are still trying to solve this mystery. The products of hydrolysis are mainly hydrofluoric acid and hydrochloric acid, which are usually released as steam or vapor due to the highly exothermic nature of the reaction. ClF3 also reacts with water to give hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride, along with oxygen and oxygen difluoride (OF2): It will also convert many metal oxides to metal halides and oxygen or oxygen difluoride. Just to get the ball rolling, heres a few of the more unusual things chlorine trifluoride is known to set fire to on contact: glass, sand, asbestos, rust, concrete, people, pyrex, cloth, and the dreams of children. Stross is good at postulating alternate causes that sound potentially plausible if you accept a ridiculous starting point. An explanation of the molecular geometry for the ClF3 (Chlorine trifluoride) including a description of the ClF3 bond angles. Exposure to larger amounts of ClF3, as a liquid or as a gas, ignites living tissue, resulting in severe chemical and thermal burns. Yes, at hundreds of degrees below zero, this stuff sets ice on fire. What you're trying to do is to create CIF3 atmosphere to burn enemies, but venting it to space would vent it like any other atmosphere. Chlorine trifluoride and gases like it have been reported to ignite sand, asbestos, and other highly fire-retardant materials. It will also ignite the ashes of materials that have already been burned in oxygen. Are laser-stars the better missile carriers in space warfare? In particular, CIF3 would make for perfectly destructive flamethrowers and bombs. Required fields are marked *. @ozone - it's false. in tempus justo mattis vel, tristique porta. trope? Once it turns into a gas, ClF3 is colorless with a sweet and pungent odor. A violent reaction occurs with water or ice generating acidic HF and chlorine, [Sidgwick, 1156(1950)]. Really, how often have we heard the "but mutagenic weapons have been banned by all civilized species!" But chlorine azide has not been weaponized, nor will it be. In the 1930s, scientists Otto Ruff and H. Krug set out to find something easier to handle, but just as reactive. Chlorine trifluoride, an interhalogen with the formula ClF 3, is all of these things and more. It's been used in the semiconductor industry to clean oxides off of surfaces, at which activity it no doubt excels. The Stupidly Dangerous Chemical Chlorine Trifluoride Can Make Anything Burst Into Flames on Contact, Scientists Have Discovered Enormous Balloon-Like Structures in the Center of Our Galaxy, The Perseid Meteor Shower Reaches its Peak, Neuroprosthetic Sensory Devices are Reconnecting People to the World, World's First Malaria Vaccine Offers Hope to Millions, The Butterfly Effect Is Why It's Impossible to Predict the Weather, Rhnull, the Rarest Blood Type on Earth, Has Been Called the "Golden Blood", Neuroscientists Found The Most Relaxing Song, How to Watch the Orionids Meteor Shower in 2021, The Explorers Club Discovery Expedition Grantees. Pick whichever route you prefer. It offered improved specific impulse over chlorine trifluoride, but with all of the same difficulties in handling. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2020-124. It boils at 12 (so that a trivial pressure will keep it liquid at room temperature) and freezes at a convenient 76. A planet's density tells us more information than its size. Would it be possible to use chlorine trifluoride as the payload of an artillery shell? At first glance, this seems like a good weapon: it can burn even in space and can set fire to metals, and even glass and normally flame-retardant substances. What is the hardest part of being a scientist. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. Surely the nuclear reaction has more energy than any sort of oxidizing, no matter how intense or quick. Notably tough elements like titanium and tungsten are also regarded as being wholly unsuitable to storing the chemical because they set on fire as soon as they come into contact with it. It has a heat capacity of 63.9 J K -1 mol -1. 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We have Plexiglas, a rubber glove, clean leather, not-so-clean leather, a gas mask, a piece of wood, and a wet glove. If some ClF3 happens to destroy your enemy, most likely it won't affect you at the same time, since it's all far away, and there's not enough of it to cover the distance. But we're creating fiction, not documentaries, and the idea of miniaturizing the process using future tech such that we get exactly what you're explaining is wonderful. But it can also kill the people trying to use it as a weapon. This liquid chemical is so corrosive that it can make practically anything burst into flames on contact. Simple Things theme by Dan Hauk. The molecular geometry of ClF3 is approximately T-shaped, with one short bond (1.598) and two long bonds (1.698). It reacts with water to form chlorine and hydrofluoric acid with release of heat. [5] Soluble in CCl 4 but can be explosive in high concentrations. Would Chlorosian photosynthesizers produce chlorine or oxygen? The fluoride coating on the storage chamber or in the weapon being used to launch it develops an imperfection, and the substance chews through and destroys the equipment. There's a report from the early 1950s (in this PDF) of a one-ton spill of the stuff. Thats one of those statements you dont get to hear very often, and it should be enough to make any sensible chemist turn around smartly and head down the hall in the other direction. Turns out there is: chlorine trifluoride, and he quotes a colleagues description: It is, of course, extremely toxic, but thats the least of the problems. An average 70 kg human being only would have to take around 100 nanograms of this protein to die (it has an LD 50 of 1. . This suggests that the stuff might be better used by a saboteur or terrorist. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? There's a small leak in a storage unit, and chlorine trifluoride reaches a nearby surface, immediately starting a toxic reaction that will kill many people on the ship because they're trapped in space and have nowhere to hide. One of the main uses of ClF3 is to produce uranium hexafluoride, UF6, as part of nuclear fuel processing and reprocessing, by the fluorination of uranium metal: The compound can also dissociate under the scheme: In the semiconductor industry, chlorine trifluoride is used to clean chemical vapour deposition chambers. Any equipment that comes into contact with ClF3 must be meticulously cleaned and then passivated, because any contamination left may burn through the unfluorinated material faster than it can re-form. It's a spacious game preserve, that territory, and over the gate is the ornate motto Noli me tangere. F00F is also a division bug in intel CPUs of the Pentium class, and dates from 1997. The end result of their research was the gaseous form of Chlorine trifluoride. How massive does earth need to be to start fusion reaction? You say that that's still about all it's good for? Higher exposures can cause a build-up of fluid in the . @JBH highly reactive and highly explosive substances are useful as weapons because they essentially contain large, concentrated amount of available chemical energy that can be delivered upon the target. Chlorine trifluoride is a colorless gas or green liquid with a pungent odor. What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude), Storing configuration directly in the executable, with no external config files. It burned its way through a foot of concrete floor and chewed up another meter of sand and gravel beneath, completing a day that Im sure no one involved ever forgot. [14] This structure agrees with the prediction of VSEPR theory, which predicts lone pairs of electrons as occupying two equatorial positions of a hypothetic trigonal bipyramid. It must have been one helluva weapon if even Hitler didn't use it (Spoiler Alert: It was). That process, I should add, would necessarily have been accompanied by copious amounts of horribly toxic and corrosive by-products: its bad enough when your reagent ignites wet sand, but the clouds of hot hydrofluoric acid are your special door prize if youre foolhardy enough to hang around and watch the fireworks.. How to determine chain length on a Brompton? Lowe lists with incredulity all the substances he managed to react with it: ammonia (vigorous, this at 100K), water ice (explosion, natch), chlorine (violent explosion, so he added it more slowly the second time), red phosphorus (not good), bromine fluoride, chlorine trifluoride (say what? ClF3 is surely a very destructive thing. It is known to ignite sand, asbestos, glass, and even ashes of substances that have already burned in oxygen. Science Chemistry Chlorine monofluoride can react with fluorine to form chlorine trifluoride: (i) ClF (g) + F2 (g) ClF3 (g) H = ?Use the reactions here to determine the H for reaction (i): (ii) 2OF2 (g) O2 (g) + 2F2 (g) H (ii) = 49.4 kJ (iii) 2ClF (g) + O2 (g) Cl2O (g) + OF2 (g) H (iii) = +205.6 kJ (iv) ClF3 (g) + O2 (g) (1)/ (2)Cl2 +1 for pointing out that chemical reactions are on the wrong energy scale for (most) space-age weapons. The only time I see either of them in the synthetic chemistry literature is when a paper by Shlomo Rozen pops up (for example), but despite his effortson its behalf, I still wont touch the stuff. Chlorine trifluoride Safety Data Sheet E-4581 according to the Hazardous Products Regulation (February 11, 2015) Date of issue: 10-15-1979 Revision date: 01-01-2021 Supersedes: 07-05-2016 . He has curated a horrific. In realistic space combat, objects are enormously far away (requiring guidance, not mortars), and are traveling so enormously fast that the kinetic energy is all you need to make a kill. Things I won't work with: Dioxygen Difluoride. The same isn't true in a war zone, where speed is of the essence. [clarification needed][citation needed]. Call me The Terrible, or terry if you like. How to intersect two lines that are not touching. If it's not perfectly treated, then kaboom goes the vessel. But so would the exact same impact from a traditional chemical munition, or even just an inert kinetic impactor. Or an explosion. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It will not only set water on fire, but water makes it explode. HDE 226868 is absolutely correct, it would be the height of insanity to use this stuff in space combat but that doesn't mean it wouldn't make one whale of a good story. Tens of thousands of lives could be saved each year from sickness and death caused by malaria following the World Health Organization (WHO) approval of a first-ever vaccine. . Asteroid Ryugu Has Dust Grains Older Than the Sun. You can afford to go slowly. When you compare the chemical energy stored in your ClFl3 to the kinetic energy required to accomplish the above, we don't really add much. The paper goes on to react FOOF with everything else you wouldn't react it with: ammonia ("vigorous", this at 100K), water ice (explosion, natch), chlorine ("violent explosion", so he added it more slowly the second time), red phosphorus (not good), bromine fluoride, chlorine trifluoride (say what? Chloride Trifluoride is available in the condensed form in the market and at pressurized room temperature it turns into a pale-greenish yellow liquid. (The challenge with a substance like chlorine azide is finding something that it won't react with violently):Owing to the extreme instablity of the compound accurate determinations of the bioing and melting points have not been made as yet. So it apriori will do more damage. However, if enough cyanoacrylate is added to the cotton or wool, the fabric will catch on fire, making this a great trick to keep in mind in survival situations. The greatest danger I can think of for my ships crew is they will be distracted by their hysterical laughter once they realize what you shot at them. We're in space having a battle, one can logically assume that the automation of that process on a small scale inside of a warhead is plausible - possibly not practical, but plausible. Further, there is really little one can do to put out the fires it causes directly other than to let them burn off. A little bit of danger can be exciting. Pure fluorine could put the body on self-ignited fire. The electron geometry for the C. Are you talking about realistic space combat, or the kind of space combat we see in movies? This technical report presents the IDLH value for chlorine trifluoride (CAS No. CIF3 is its own oxidizer and so doesn't rely on the atmosphere to burn in that sense, but venting the atmosphere will almost certainly remove all of the CIF3, which is gaseous under normal conditions and would be vented along with the atmosphere. I do not dispute your basic assertion because the conclusion is also true: the delivery of the manufacturing process in the context of a weapon is almost always more complex than simply delivering the weapon - which is why we drop nuclear bombs rather than the manufacturing processes that build the bombs. Makes sense, seeing as the only known "safe" way to store CIF3 is to seal it in containers made of steel, iron, nickel, or copper after they've been treated with fluorine gas. Physical state. Answer by Paul Mainwood, Degrees in Physics and Philosophy, Doctorate in Philosophy of Physics, on Quora: I dropped organic chemistry as soon as I could. However, a few experimenters have had a go with dioxygen difluoride and survived. It also has a nice fat density, about 1.81 at room temperature. This is because doing so will coat the metal in a thin fluoride layer, with which the chemical wont react. The shell would have to detonate in the middle of the ship for maximum effect. Klorin trifluorida. ClF3 will quickly corrode even noble metals like iridium, platinum, or gold, oxidizing them to chlorides and fluorides. Storing it aboard your spaceship is too risky, sure, as other answers have noted. Shields, atomic suppression, or anything else in the same vein. This was a huge mistake, and one that I might have avoided if I could have read Derek Lowes posts to Science Translational Medicine. Meaning its capable of rapidly oxidizing things that would normally be considered practically impossible to set aflame, like asbestos. According to reports released by the Soviets following WW2, Nazi trials involving substance N were promising. Tests were made against mock-ups of the Maginot Line fortifications, and it was found to be an extremely effective incendiary weapon and poison gas. . Yes, for disinformation. That details the fun you can have with chloride trifluoride, and believe me, it continues (along with its neighbor, bromine trifluoride) to be on the "Things I Won't Work With" list. As a solid, its white. FOOF is the sound you make when you make some FOOF. The diatomic fluorine dissociates into fierce monatomic fluorine, which binds to the oxygen molecules to produce FOOF. It boils at 12 (so that a trivial pressure will keep it liquid at room temperature) and freezes at a convenient 76. One of the few substances known to be completely unreactive with chlorine trifluoride is ordinary candle wax. Generally, cotton and wool are readily available and cyanoacrylate is always a good thing to have on hand in first aid kits, due to its wound sealing ability. An explanation of the molecular geometry for the ClF3 (Chlorine trifluoride) including a description of the ClF3 bond angles. Image by Koisny under Creative Commons license. Experimentally we would expect the bond angle to be approximately 87.5.To determine the molecular geometry, or shape for a compound like ClF3, we complete the following steps:1) Draw the Lewis Structure for the compound (for ClF3: Predict how the atoms and lone pairs will spread out when the repel each other.3) Use a chart based on steric number (like the one in the video) or use the AXN notation to find the molecular shape. Together, these occasional entries make up the most entertaining and terrifying science-related blog on the internet. We have Plexiglas, a rubber glove, clean leather, not-so-clean leather, a gas mask, a piece of wood, and a wet glove. The reaction here also doesnt require atmospheric oxygen to burn, so trying to use that method of fire suppression wont work either. Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their, Boyce, C. Bradford and Belter, Randolph K. (1998), "Chlorine trifluoride Compound Summary", National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, "Silicon Etch Rate Using Chlorine Trifluoride", Zeitschrift fr anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, "Cs[Cl 3 F 10 ]: A PropellerShaped [Cl 3 F 10 ] Anion in a Peculiar A [5] B [5] Structure Type", National Pollutant Inventory Fluoride and compounds fact sheet, CDC NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Chlorine Trifluoride, Octamethylene-bis(5-dimethylcarbamoxyisoquinolinium bromide), 2-Ethoxycarbonyl-1-methylvinyl cyclohexyl methylphosphonate,, Articles with dead external links from August 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Chemical articles with multiple compound IDs, Multiple chemicals in an infobox that need indexing, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles containing unverified chemical infoboxes, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2023, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Very toxic, very corrosive, powerful oxidizer, violent hydrolysis, This page was last edited on 15 April 2023, at 03:14. It is a colorless gas or a greenish-yellow liquid with sweet, suffocating odor. Oh, and in the process, it also released hot, deadly clouds of hydrofluoric acid that corroded everything in its path. Pretty self-explanatory. It burned its way through a foot of concrete floor and chewed up another meter of sand and gravel beneath, completing a day that Im sure no one involved ever forgot. Chlorine Trifluoride: Some Empirical Findings, Stratospheric Chlorine: Blaming It on Nature, Chlorine Isotope Fractionation in the Stratosphere. Theres a report from the early 1950s (inthis PDF) of aone-tonspill of the stuff. No leather suits this time and (interestingly) no earplugs. There are a couple other useful applications though. Solid State Batteries Promise Long Life and Rapid Refuel Electric Vehicles, Electric vs. Hydrogen: The Pros and Cons of Greener Transportation. Again, more conventional munitions would probably be sufficient to cripple a ship from the inside, and your ship will probably have some onboard already. Have you heard the joke about the universal solvent? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. But using sword-chucks during WW2 won't do anything useful. Science Chemistry In the nuclear industry, chlorine trifluoride is used to prepare uranium hexafluoride, a volatile compound of uranium used in the separation of uranium isotopes. It's difficult to contain and nearly impossible to fight if it starts a fire, and produces extremely toxic byproducts when it reacts with other things. But chlorine azide has not been weaponized, nor will it be. Get our latest posts and insights delivered directly to your inbox. Over the years, I've probably had more hits on my "Sand Won't Save You This Time" post than on any other single one on the site. 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