guinea pig pregnancy week by week pictures

Do not bath the sow during pregnancy. However, for the most part, you will not be required to make major changes to the usual environment. Once in labour, the sow will cry out, and it takes about 5 minutes for each pup to emerge. Guinea pig babies are born looking like mini versions of their mama. It is common for them to double in weight during this time. Whilst brothers will be fine to be housed together throughout their lives, they may never get on well enough will other boars to be permanently housed with them. Naturally bald areas. Handbook of Rodent and Rabbit Medicine. A neutered male guinea pig can still impregnate a female "I recently adopted two pigs but realized I would have many more very soon. Guinea pigs are pregnant for 58-73 days. There is a high maternal mortality rate for guinea pigs (about 20%) as they are vulnerable to complications and illnesses such as toxemia. Common pregnancy complications include metabolic imbalance, difficult birthing, and postpartum issues like seizures. . I for one was never able to see Emma's babies move from the outside. Make the introductions gradual as the adults will be a lot larger and could do them serious harm. If you cannot check on the sow because of work etc. Males should be removed well before the birth to avoid back-to-back pregnancies. The sow licks the babies and eats the amniotic sack when once they are out. This is to prepare for the birth to come! Guinea pigs are without a doubt cute, and baby guinea pigs climb twice as high on the cuteness ladder. Females can become pregnant immediately after giving birth so make sure that there are no males nearby. Just a disclaimer: Beware that you should not wildly breed guinea pigs if you dont have a proper breeding program or the appropriate financial situation as well as time to care for them. Litter size ranges, with the average being 2-4 pups - in rare cases as many as 12-14. At this time you will be even able to distinguish the body parts of the moving babies by gently touching the belly. Do not crowd the mother have only one person in the room, but another on standby to make calls if necessary. You should also provide a box, like a small shoe box on its side. If you are not prepared to care for them yourself, a more experienced guinea pig owner may be willing to take them or you may make the decision to have them put down. In the best-case scenario, make arrangements to have a visiting vet check her every once in a while. We might have made some serious mistakes out of ignorance. Its also cheaper in the long run than disposable bedding, eco-friendly, and doesnt contain dust that, Read More Fleece Bedding for Guinea Pigs: Pros and Cons & How to Use ItContinue, A true favorite among small pets, guinea pigs are no doubt unique, sweet little creatures. Implement patterned feeding, drinking, and outdoor regiments. The age of the sow plays a huge row in making the decision. Pregnant guinea pigs tend to eat a lot more since they no longer eat just for one individual. Male guinea pigs can impregnate a female at as young as 3 weeks old and a female guinea pig can become pregnant at as young as 4 weeks old, so don't be doubtful if your guinea pig is pregnant due to age. Speak to your vet to make sure you provide the right quantity of pellets. There is, however, a thin line between sounding heartwarming and scary when people say the words guinea pig pregnancy. Laber-Laird, Swindle, & Flecknell. Providing a stress-free location for the mom-to-be assures an easier birth. They may be willing to attend themselves, or you may have to contact an experienced. Did you know you can get expert answers for this article? Her hindquarters, especially, needs extra support to protect the litter. Whilst guinea pigs should never be bred intentionally, coming home from the pet store with a guinea pig who is already pregnant is a common story. Sows older than 2 years that werent bred before are most at risk. The average period of pregnancy is approximately 65 days. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, there wont be a huge change in her appearance. Duration of guinea pig pregnancy depends on the number of pups: the larger the litter the shorter the pregnancy. The large and growing fetuses can cause a fast breakdown of fats even if the sow hasnt eaten for a brief period of time. ", pet they can be, and how to play with them. The male, when courting a female, will physically display himself with actions like rumbling, standing upright before the sow, and approaching her with a lowered head. The gestation period is between 59-72 days, with an average pregnancy of 65 days. Her body will be positioned in a down-squat on all four legs. it may also be necessary to separate your pregnant guinea pig from any other guinea pigs you have. How Big of a Cage for Two Guinea Pigs? At birth, baby guinea pigs can weigh between 2.1 and 4.2 oz (60 and 120 grams) and have an average size of 3-4 inches (8-10 cm). Small litters do not cause the belly to enlarge significantly, and will not be as noticeable. Make the habit of repeatedly measuring your pets weight, at least twice a month. If the other sow eats it, their own pregnancy may be induced. They may prescribe treatment that includes injections of dextrose solutions, steroids and calcium, which may or may not be effective. With our guinea pig pregnancy calculator, you can easily estimate the day a guinea pig will give birth to little pups. If any of the pups is definitely alive, but is not alert or able to see or walk then contact your vet immediately. Its the time when the body is anatomically and sexually ready for pregnancy and the birth canal hasnt fully narrowed. Pups will each have their own amniotic sac, which the sow normally removes and ingests. when they are this wide you will know she will give birth in the next 48 hours. Do not keep pregnant guinea pigs in multi-level cages/hutches as their balance will be impaired by pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy they may not be able to get up to the higher tiers. Females will typically reach full sexual maturity at approximately 4 to 6 weeks of age. Do not intervene or touch the pups unless you need to. This article has been viewed 326,562 times. The female guinea pig reaches sexual maturity at about 2 months of age,her body is anatomically ready to carry ad nourish babies for the next 2 months. Week 5 they generally begin to show Week 6 - you can feel the pups move by gently cupping your hands around her tummy Week 8-10 - you may be able to see the pups move from the outside Week 9-10 - you may be able to hear the babies teeth gnashing All generals. What is the Best Age for a Guinea Pig to Get Pregnant? Pet stores also often house both sexes together, and some breeders do not separate the sexes early enough so it is possible the sow was already pregnant when you bought her. Introduce the male pups to the father and any other boars you have. A female cavy uses a lot of her energy during this time, and thus requires a healthy, balanced diet that is appropriate for her during gestation. Doing so can cause pups to grow too big, which the sow may struggle to birth. In the case of any anomalies or worry, you should contact the vet. Wondering how old your precious guinea pigs are in human years? For older guinea pigs, this may include her carrying out her pregnancy and birth housed at the vets, as she is more likely to need intervention. A female guinea pig can fall pregnant immediately after giving birth. Our fuzzy pets have a relatively long lifespan compared to other small pets, and they stay our loyal companions through a significant part of our lives. Enriching the guinea pigs diet with kale, broccoli, green peppers, and parsley is also advised. Guinea pig pregnancy is relatively short, lasting only between 59 and 72 days. A female is fertile for about 6 to 11 . Is your female guinea pig getting more chubby lately, leaving you wondering if youll soon have a bunch of fluff balls running around? The least expensive, easiest, and safest breeding prevention is to house sows and boars separately. Pregnancy for Guinea Pigs is very high risk, both for the mum and the babies. The pups will be able to eat solid food from day one, and the mother will introduce them to new food herself. If there is a likelihood any of the pups are born with this condition you must decide what action you will take. also her pelvic bones will widen from being clamped shut to about an inch and a half. Make any changes as early as possible in the pregnancy, when the stress will have less of an effect on the sow. Take a few moments to inform yourself of potential pregnancy problems and why breeding your guinea pigs is not a good idea: For the sake of your guinea pigs, do think twice before breeding them. Many females who survive experience complications, which are painful to the sow and costly to the pet parent. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. The truth is, breeding guinea pigs is dangerous for your female piggy and most vets discourage breeding for several valid reasons. Since their gestation lasts just 59-73 days, a female guinea pig is capable in theory of bearing five or even six litters a year. Cavies of both sexes, when mixed together and unsterilized, will most assuredly result in guinea pig pregnancy. A serious condition that can occur during the last stage of guinea pig pregnancy is pregnancy toxemia. Duration of guinea pig pregnancy depends on the number of pups: the larger the litter the shorter the pregnancy. Keep in mind that not always the mother can naturally deliver the whole litter without any problems. Avoid over-feeding Mood changes due to rise in hormone level, Increase in fatigue, resulting in more sleeping and/or change in sleeping pattern. "Just found out our rescued pig was pregnant even after two exams and one ultrasound. A typical pregnancy in horses can last for 320 to 380 days, but generally lasts around 11 months. Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this isnt medical advice and if you assume there might be a health-related issue, you should contact your vet. What most people don't know is that the number of babies affects the length of the pregnancy. Pregnancy is hard work for a female guinea pig. This is because sows who are too young are at a greater risk of vitamin deficiencies during pregnancy. These pups may die within a few days of birth, or may live for several years. Guinea Pig Reproduction and Gestation Guinea pigs have a lifespan of 4 to 8 years and reach sexual maturity at an early age. Pregnancy is hard work for a female guinea pig. Their eyes will open quickly and, within a few hours of birth, will search for solid food to eat. This article received 14 testimonials and 88% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Guinea Pig Eye Infection What You Should Do? The duration of pregnancy is inversely proportional to the litter size. Males take a little longer and are typically sexually mature by 8 to 9 weeks of age. Guinea Pig Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Daily touch-up cleaning of her habitat to keep it as clean as possible without removing her. . In most cases, the small forms are a sign of guinea pig pregnancy. Only a skilled and experienced veterinarian should attempt to manipulate the position of pups before they are born. The canal is fully fused by the 7-8thmonth of age both in unbred female and male guinea pigs. guinea pigs concerned are given unlimited access to plenty of fresh, green meadow hay to keep them occupied - this will often stop the problem. The placenta contains hormones which can trigger contractions. In the presence of a male, the female changes her back (spine) which she arches downwards. Is your sow pregnant? Wondering if you are able to commit to being a responsible pet parent to these adorable little rodents? Reduce exposure to loud noises or bright lights. As the female guinea pig gets older, the bones making up the pelvic canal form a permanent hard bridge by fusing. As in humans, this happens when pups grow and take up more space. Critical Care or a similar product as it is likely you will need it for at least one pup. Clean the water bottle weekly to prevent the build-up of algae and bacteria. Right now, it is imperative to ensure the pregnant guinea is in a stress-free environment. If you've found out that your guinea pig is pregnant, check on it several times a day to monitor its drinking and eating habits so you know what is normal and can react to changes. Is It Safe to Breed Cavies? Baby boys need to leave mum at 3 weeks of age or 250grams, whichever comes first. However, with the proper care, this risk can be significantly reduced and your pregnant guinea pig can be kept in good health. The sow must be fed an adequate selection of healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables daily, along with high-quality pellets and unlimited hay and water. guinea pigs are pregnant for 67-73 days and you will know she will have babies in 3-4 weeks when you can feel her babies moving. Every pregnancy varies from individual to individual but there's definitely a silver lining, just as with any other space.Not only will we dive deeper into how you can actually find out if your piggy might be pregnant and how you can take steps and precautions towards their delivery date.Just a disc. Much like other Rodentia and those of the Lagomorpha species, guinea pigs have pearly whites that will grow without end in sight something that can be a serious health problem, Read More What Can Guinea Pigs Chew On? Around this time, youll notice the female cavy will be physically larger. Mother strains for 15 minutes without producing a pup. Females can have estrous or fertile periods at any time of the year, but they are most common in the spring. 2 Observe her eating habits. Never offer the same vegetable two days running. The early stage consists of the first few days after mating. Guinea pig mother lactates for 2-3 weeks. We got her without knowing that she was a pregnant guinea pig. Thats why there are some obvious signs for any owner to notice whether his/her guinea pig is carrying babies. :)", understand just in case for the future as well, thanks so much for the info. What Can Guinea Pigs Chew On? Sometimes its the uterus lacking contractions; sometimes its a pup ending up stuck in the birth canal. Neutered boars should be kept separate from sows for four weeks after surgery. But do you really understand what it takes to care for these fluffy friends? Guinea pigs have a relatively long gestation compared to other small mammals. This causes mineral deficiency. But taking in mind the previously mentioned signs you can suspect pregnancy if any one of them is present. If your guinea pig has been pregnant for more than about two or three weeks then you might be able to very very gently feel the foetuses in your pet. A guinea pig's pregnancy lasts about 9 or 10 weeks. I am to have more of a informative conversation with my vet on Monday. You should observe the behavior of the other guinea pigs as well. The milk provides some very important nutrients for the babies. She may carry several pups, between one and six, and they're carried in the womb for 58 73 days. As a species, they also increase their food intake in the winter. Doing otherwise can cause pregnancy complications or miscarriage. A local breeder may also be willing to help. Selective feeding is where the guinea pig chooses the tastier bits of food over less tasty but often more nutritious foods. Thats why a female guinea pig should be bred before the permanent hardening on the pelvic canal. The sow starts to prefer fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content. What Does a Baby Guinea Pig Look Like? A cesarian section surgery will likely be necessary. Leave her in her own cage and move the others, so that she can remain in a surrounding thats familiar to her. Typically, breeding reduces the lifespan of female cavies. X Lastly, it takes about 2-4 weeks to wean guinea pups. Instead, coax her onto a towel or into a box. As a general rule, guinea pigs do not respond well to anaesthetic so if it is possible, separating the sexes is a safer option. Rough handling may cause miscarriage. Wash out the water bottle with a gentle dish soap every few days. Guinea Pig Years to Human Years: How Old is Your Cavy in Human Years? Do not cut pellets to reduce the chance of larger pups or attempt to put a pregnant overweight sow on a diet. Nonetheless, at this stage, allow the female cavy to eat and drink as much as she would like. In fact, you may even wonder if your cavy is actually pregnant. The duration of pregnancy is 60 to 70 days, because of this guinea pigs give birth to well developed young. Your email address will not be published. Contact Us. If you hold her carefully by the shoulders when she's on . She does so, as well, with the placenta. Get an experienced vet to check the sex of all your other guinea pigs. The gestation period in guinea pigs could be anywhere between 59-72 days. Do not overfeed pellets. 25% in pregnancies can end in death for either the mum or the babies and this is why that breeding guinea pigs for a hobby is not encouraged. A sow can birth up to 5 litters per year, though miscarriages and stillbirths are common. When a guinea pig is pregnant the pelvic canal stretches as a result of hormonal secretion. The temperature outside or in a garage/shed usually becomes too cold at night for a pregnant guinea pig. Newborn guinea pigs have fur and are born with their eyes open. Pregnant guinea pigs get visually larger in the abdominal area. It will be too stressful for her. Those fertile periods can occur during any time of the year, but most frequently during spring. Guinea Pig Death Process Dead or in Shock? The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. In addition, he is a proud owner of two guinea pigs. This article was very helpful in letting us know what to expect and what to do when our female goes into labor, etc. I know there are so many groups out there that don't and its okay. Negligence and ignorance can prove to be fatal for the mother and the babies. Guinea pigs usually give birth during the day rather than overnight. ", Scary after reading all this. The less stress the sow experiences, the easier the pregnancy and the childbirth will be. Publisher: Pergamon. The female doubles in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during pregnancy. Guinea pigs tend to express every little change in their body. Support wikiHow by It is worth noting that female guinea pigs can get pregnant at four weeks old. Interesting Fact: The shorter the pregnancy is, the larger the litter size is. Any apparent change of behavior in means of lethargy, anorexia, or depression can be a sign of sickness. How much depends on the size of the litter, but her weight should never begin fall. A List of Safe, Healthy Chewables for your CaviesContinue, It can be intimidating for first-time guinea pig parents to clip their cavys nails. Females can reach sexual maturity as early as approximately 4-6 weeks of age and males as early as approximately 8-9 weeks of age so the different sexes should be separated before they are able to reproduce with each other. A pregnant sow will begin to drink and eat more as the pregnancy advances. The first week of a guinea pig's . The guinea pig may die during or after pregnancy due to complications during pregnancy or birth, or from toxemia after birth. The guinea pigs won't need to make a nest to give birth. At birth the pups should weigh roughly 2 to 3 oz. An average guinea pig weighs about 26 ounces before she becomes pregnant. Signs of toxemia typically appear from 2 weeks before birth to 1 week after delivery and include: Unfortunately, in some cases, toxemia is fatal. ask a friend or neighbour to check on her. Inversely, the longer the pregnancy is, the fewer pups the litter contains. If there are male guinea pigs present at the time of birth, they will compete between themselves to mate with the mother and protect the newborn guinea pigs. The boar must be removed by 50 days as he may continue to mount her which can be stressful or painful in later pregnancy, and she could become pregnant again as early as two hours after the birth. If the weight does not pick up, or a pup does not improve with additional feeding, consult the vet. Thats because those tiny, adorable feet are just so tiny! Their shapes are very cylindrical-like and can be compared to tangerines in body appearance. Once the pups are weaned, the mother should not require vitamin supplements anymore, unless you gave them to her as part of her regular diet anyway. Female guinea pigs sexually mature as early as 2 months of age. Only hold her if necessary. The gestation period in guinea pigs varies between 59 and 72 days. In time, it will be a bit harder for them to move, but this is of little or no significance. There is a 3-5 minute interval between each baby. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. [1] By using our site, you agree to our. Mares that have been bred during the first quarter of the year will often carry their foals for . During this time, it is normal for females to double their weight. You can sense the distance between the bones by gently positioning your finger on the belly just a few centimeters from the anus. Guinea pups, once born, will be completely furry. There are several factors that can affect how many days a mare is actually pregnant. (Complete Setup), Do Guinea Pigs Eat Carrots? To prevent high stress levels, which can lead to disease, keep your guinea pig away from direct sunlight. Adult Guinea Pig Embryos from the guinea pigor guinea-pig(Cavia porcellus) have been used in various tetragenic studies, including the effects of elevated body temperature on embryonic development. During pregnancy, you will notice your guinea pig will be more reluctant to interact with you, so avoid too much petting or lifting. Some may happen sooner, later, or not at all. Guinea pigs have naturally bald patches on two areas of the body that owners may not be aware of and, as a result, become worried about: an area of 1cm-1.5cm behind the ears; and The cavy is eating and/or drinking more than usual. ", Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow, Aiutare un Porcellino d'India in Gravidanza, s'occuper d'un cochon d'Inde durant la priode de gestation.

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