leah in the bible eyes

Leah eventually has two more sons with Jacob, Issachar and Zebulon, and Jacob's only daughter, Dinah. They are contrasted with Rachel, who is described as looking beautiful. Leah's life reminds us that God has given each of us everything we need, physically, to accomplish his purpose for our lives. 17 and the eyes of Leah [are] tender, and Rachel hath been fair of form and fair of appearance. This is evident as she named her fourth son, Judah, meaning praise. Being unmarried and unable to bear children held the stigma that you were being punished by God. We know that she was the lesser loved of the two wives, he loved Rachel more than Leah (Genesis 29:30 ESV). Whatever the case was, Leah was unattractive, so Jacob preferred to marry her (beautiful) sister Rachel. "[22], University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, "Leah's Tender Eyes," at jerusalemperspective.com, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leah&oldid=1148344206, This page was last edited on 5 April 2023, at 16:17. [13] Jacob accepts the offer and marries Rachel after the week-long celebration of his marriage to Leah. And if Im uncertain, I find, often enough so are theytaken collectively, that is. Leah is described as having "soft (lovely) eyes" ( Gen 29:17 ). According to some commentaries, Bilhah and Zilpah are actually half-sisters of Leah and Rachel.[14]. 20 Then Leah said, "God has presented me with a precious gift. They go together, but Leah is still second best despite her many children. Jacob, of course, is furious and makes another agreement with Laban. What an enormous relief that is! If Zilpah and Bilhah were indeed half-sisters of Leah, this would make Leah's adoptive sons, Gad and Asher, and Rachel's adoptive sons, Dan and Naphtali, her nephews. The Lord chooses and elevates those whose hearts are pure before him. - World English Bible and the eyes of Leah [are] tender, and Rachel hath been fair of form and fair of appearance. New King James Version Leah's eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance. I did get at least as far as Genesis 29 as an elementary schooler in my somewhat desultory attempts at Bible reading. Another example of typical, modern-day, watering-down of Gods Word within scholarly circles! And when you see them differ on an apparent figure of speech, youre probably dealing with a Hebrew idiom: A fairly fixed speech form or expression that cannot be understood grammatically from its constituents parts but whose elements function as a set with a meaning peculiar to itself (Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek). Her children led half of the tribes of Israel. Focus on the giver of your blessings instead of what is given. Although Jacob overlooked Leahs position in the family, God gave her the position of being the first daughter, the first wife, and the first mother to Jacobs first son. We wont be promised a trial-free life but what God gives us is so much more. God loved Leah and accepted her just as she was. When we look at the beginning of Genesis, it is clear that Leah was not only less attractive than Rachel, but also her father used this, and the fact that the older sister in their culture should marry first as a reason to trick Jacob into marrying his daughter. The next morning, in the light of day and the absence of a veil, the truth is revealed. Kidner (TOTC) and Wenham (WBC), both of whom I greatly respect, also came up with a view I admit I did not expect. (2021, December 6). Furious, Jacob makes another agreement with Laban. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Fearful of his brother's wrath, Jacob flees his homeland for Haran, where he meets his maternal family, including Laban and his daughters. And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, This time I will praise theLord. Therefore she called his nameJudah. Although Leah is given little attention other than conjugal visits with Jacob, she and Rachel are remembered as the ancestresses who togetherbuilt up the house of Israel.. Would you take away my sons mandrakes also? Rachel said, Then he may lie with you tonight in exchange for your sons mandrakes.When Jacob came from the field in the evening, Leah went out to meet him and said, You must come in to me, for I have hired you with my sons mandrakes. So he lay with her that night. This great honor Leah received in death illustrates Matthew 19:30: "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." Unconditionally. Certainly, to my mind, the strictly literal meaning of the phrase doesnt work: it seems vanishingly unlikely that Moses paused here in Genesis 29 to make an observation about Leahs need for an optometrist. - Youngs Literal Bible And Leah's eyes were weak; but Rachel was of beautiful form and fair to look upon. The women throughout these pages are just as diversified some strong ones who have changed history; others powerless victims whose lives have been forever changed. Again she conceived and bore a son, and said, Now this time my husband will beattached to me, because I have borne him three sons. Therefore his name was called Levi. Leah never seems to gain the affections of Jacob, yet her life is evidence of Gods devotion to her. Leah, the wife of Jacob, experienced this; but God heard her prayers and saw her plight. Both sisters eventually bore Jacob many sons, and Jacobs twelve sons would become the twelve tribes of Israel. She becomes a mother of seven, tenderly caring for and raising her children to be leaders of the tribes of Israel. Here are 10 Lessons We Can Learn from Leah in the Bible 1. Instead of pining after Jacob and regarding herself as a disappointment, instead of hoping that her children would bestow worth upon her, with her fourth pregnancy, Leah proclaims, This time I will praise the Lord., The fourth son she names Judah. Feeling overlooked or not good enough can be a deep hurt and can snowball into feelings of being less than, forgotten, or the fear of not being wanted. In the light of day and the absence of a veil, the following day, the truth is revealed. While others may appear to have everything together on the outside, focus on the condition of your heart. He also favored Rachel's sons, Joseph and Benjamin, over Leah's, and made no attempts to hide that from her or his other children. God had a specific calling for Leah and her life, whether Jacob favored her. It can be frustrating as a Bible interpreter to have to land on ground you know is a bit unstable. Author: Luke, a physician, . Learn Religions, Dec. 6, 2021, learnreligions.com/leah-first-wife-of-jacob-701187. [b] Earlier passages in the Book of Genesis give some background on her father's family, noting that through him, she is the niece of Rebecca, who is the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau, and the granddaughter of Bethuel, and rabbinic literature goes even further, with the Book of Jasher claiming Leah and Rachel were twins and recording her mother's name as Adinah and her brothers' names as Beor, Alub, and Murash. It can be clear that Jacobs favoring of Rachel was taken by Leah as a clear sign of rejection. Leah is the subject of this first half . Indeed, it violates the first rule they teach you at Bible-teaching school: Dont comment on the physical appearance of particular women. Leah responded by offering her handmaid Zilpah to Jacob, and named and raised the two sons (Gad and Asher) that Zilpah gave birth to. She lies with all of those ancestors and founders of faith in their final resting place. (NIV). The Torah introduces Leah by describing her with the phrase, "Leah had tender eyes" (Biblical Hebrew: ) (Genesis 29:17). Prior to her and Rachel's mentioning, the Book of Genesis details how their first cousin and future husband, Jacob, with the help of his mother, Rebecca, willfully deceives his dying father, Isaac, into giving him his twin brother Esau's birthright. Leahs tender heart made her the perfect candidate to fulfill Jacobs First Wife duties by bearing him many sons! you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA . The commentary of Rashi cites a Rabbinic interpretation of how Leah's eyes became weak. Throughout her life the emptiness of her marriage was filled with the love of her Lord who sees her, hears her, and remembers the ache of her heart. Leah's first mention in the Bible comes in the story of Jacob. Offspring who would build a nation to receive Gods greatest inheritance, eternal life through Jesus Christ. flowers, and even as she sang, she said: Jacob meets Rachel at a well (compare the stories of Zipporah and Rebekah) and falls in love. So Jacob went in to Rachel also, and he loved Rachel more than Leah, and served Labanfor another seven years. [17], Each woman also continually questioned whether she was doing enough in her personal efforts toward increased spirituality, and would use the other's example to spur herself on. But listen for the one odd figure of speech Moses uses in this litany of feminine pulchritude (or the lack thereof): Now Laban had two daughters. We must rejoice even when things seem difficult or impossible because we have an incredible Savior who is faithful no matter what happens. James 1:16-17 says, Dont be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. The conjunction but in the middle of this verse actually provides us with context clues to grasp the meaning of tender eyed. Rachel is said to be beautiful and well favoured. Butopposite of Rachels appearanceLeah is tender eyed. That is, Leah had eyes that were not special looking. " The words more than are not in the original Hebrew text. The Hebrew word in Genesis, rakkoth, could also mean tenderhearted or kindhearted. The Bible says in Genesis 29:30 that " Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. This post is loaded with all kinds of Bible lists . Leah was the first wife of Jacob and was also the elder sister of his second wife, Rachel, who he loved. 3 And his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved . We assume that she squinted because of her eyes, and perhaps was plain and homely too. As I age, I have the grey hair coming in, the smile lines, and even some bags under my eyes. We can see her dashed hopes because each time she conceives a son with Jacob, she pins her future happiness on them. They do indeed take the phrase more literally. Despite her years of worry, disappointment, and feelings that shes not enough, Leah goes on to be the mother of six sons, including one (Judah) named in Christs lineage. Her story illustrates that God often chooses to fulfill his plans and purposes by using those who are overlooked by others. However, Leah's eyes were weak from crying, for she feared that she would have to be married to the wicked Esau. You may also enjoy this sermon about the lessons we can learn from Leah in the Bible: Or one of these recommendations about Leah in the Bible and the lessons we can learn from her. But in this age, before that day when we will know even as also we are known (1 Cor 13:12), before we are given authoritative interpretations straight from the Author of Scripture, there is some necessary here-I-stand Martin Luthering that must remain in the blood of every Christian. God had compassion on her and allowed her to become pregnant. Feeding the 4,000 and feeding the 5,000same or different? Bilhah gave birth to two sons; Leah, no longer fertile, responds by having her maid Zilpah bear two sons (Genesis 30:913; 35:26; 46:18). Rachel envied Leah's tearful prayers, by which she merited to marry the tzaddik and bear six of his twelve sons. Genesis 3421st Century King James Version. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! Jacob continues to show favoritism toward Rachel, but after Leahs third child is born, Leah seems to have a change of heart. Leah chose to praise and be thankful for Gods role in her life. By marrying Jacob and bearing his sons, who would be raised in the tzadik's home and continue his mission into the next generation (indeed, all 12 sons became tzadikim in their own right and formed the foundation of the Nation of Israel), they would develop an even closer relationship to God. Clarke's Notes on the Bible. Leah was the chosen vessel through which the Messiah would be born and her weak eyes and her appeal to Yahweh may be a clue that she had had an encounter with Yahweh at some point in her earlier life. What the Bible indicates here is that Jacob did not love Leah at all. When Jacob arrives in Haran, he meets the younger sister, Rachel at a well. However, Leah found favour in the eyes of God, He blessed her with children, while Rachel remained barren for a time. For theLordsees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance,but theLordlooks on the heart.. Shes buried in a place of honor alongside Jacob, at the site of his ancestors, including Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah. (NIV), Genesis 29:31When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. In Leahs story, we can be encouraged that a life redeemed can not occur with the perfect spouse or an abundance of children, but a with a heart that is tender and surrendered to God. Why does the King James Bible say, pisseth against the wall?. God ensures Leah a life of honor because He is her Lord. The Bible is a treasure trove of stories and events from every spectrum. That is between her and God, but we know that her jealously took her down a terrible downward spiral. Id stick with the intuitiveto meopposition the text sets up, in which weak eyes are contrasted with Rachels beauty. Forhe has sold us, and he has indeed devoured our money. What is the significance of The Parable of the Good Samaritan? (NIV), Genesis 49:29-31Then he gave them these instructions: I am about to be gathered to my people. We first learn that she was unloved and unfavored with a tender heart versus an attractive body. God placed her first and blessed her abundantly. Bridge-Logos Publishers. The stress, the internal rage. They would rather change the offensive precious words of God than insult Leah! When Rachel saw thatshe bore Jacob no children, she envied her sister. Afterwards she gave birth to Zebulun and to a daughter, Dinah. Leah's life as Jacob's wife was distressful. He doesn't need us to lose the baby weight, tone up, or look "put together" before he can use us. Leah, however, is described as having "weak eyes." As Rabbi Sarah Mack writes in T'Ruah, the Hebrew word in that passage could be translated in several ways, and the contextual clues here don't really help. both young and fair; along a plain she gathered Weak eyes and all. The world is always trying to get us hooked on material things, but the best way for a persons wealth and success in life can be found within their spiritual relationship with God. All rights reserved., Posted on Published: April 25, 2022- Last updated: February 2, 2023, The Tribe of Zebulun: History, Prophecy and What We Can Learn From the Little-Known Tribe, The Ultimate Guide to Fasting in the Bible. God used her marriage for His glory even though it wasnt an ideal situation. See Genesis chapters 29-30. God, of course, saw this and allowed Leah to have four sons. Leah Is a Matriarch Unloved and unwanted, Leah was not only blessed by God with six sons and one daughter. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Exactly what was wrong with Leahs eyes? 17 God listened to Leah, and she became pregnant and bore Jacob a fifth son. - Jewish Publication Society Bible The Hebrew word is rakkoth could also be translated to tenderhearted. In the Bible, Leah is the daughter of Laban and the sister of Rachel. I love this verse as it reminds me that God sees the heart, the spirit inside us, as more valuable than any outward beauty. God ensures Leah a life of honor because He is her Lord. In Genesis 49:29-33, we learn that Leah is buried in a cave with Jacobs parents (Rebekah and Isaac) and grandparents (Sarah and Abraham). Leah first appears in the Book of Genesis, in Genesis 29, which describes her as the daughter of Laban and the older sister of Rachel, and is said to not compare to Rachel's physical beauty and that she has tender eyes. The name Judah in Hebrew is Yehudah. This is the same well his mother Rebekah drew water from before she married Isaac. Then she ceased bearing. It is interesting to realize that the ugly wife actually contributed more to the formation of the nation Israel than the beautiful one! You pray for something over and over again. Leah was older, had weak or delicate eyes, and apparently was not attractive. According to the scriptures, God saw that Leah was "unloved" and opened her womb as consolation. Leah's story in the Bible is told in Genesis chapters 29-31, 33-35, 46, and 49. Wouldnt you? Leah is a matriarch of her people and of Christ. Zavada, Jack. Then he commanded them and said to them, I am to begathered to my people;bury me with my fathersin the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,in the cave that is in the field at Machpelah, to the east of Mamre, in the land of Canaan,which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite to possess as a burying place. You have to earn the right to your opinion, of course. Leah and her sister Rachel, whose names mean "cow" and "ewe," give Jacob many sons; and their father gives him actual live-stock. It may have been, then, a delicate way of referring to something else about Leahs physical appearance entirely. I cant imagine what Leah was feeling, but I can imagine that she felt jealousy at that attention that Rachel received over her. Leah in the Bible is the older daughter of Laban and Jacob's first wife. Of course, Laban is to blame for this situation, but most of us can agree that Leah felt rejected or less than. That Leah's eyes were compared to Rachel's beauty obviously meant there was no beauty in them and that Leah herself was probably plain in face and form compared to her sister. (Another piece of what I hope to be wisdom: if you are indeed a preacher or Bible teacher, and if you happen to know that a majority of your hearers for a given lesson or sermon are carrying a translation that takes one side or the other, its generally best to stick with that side. We learn from Rachel that if we arent grateful for our blessings and trust that God is enough, jealousy will always make us want more. God also has a calling on your life and will make all circumstances work together for your good. How many daughters did Lot have? God loves us unconditionally, with a pure, passionate tenderness. As a general rule of thumb, friend, whenever we struggle with a particular Bible word or phrase, we should scan the surrounding words and/or verses. Leah[a] (/le./; /li/) appears in the Hebrew Bible as one of the two wives of the Biblical patriarch Jacob. One of those sons was Judah who was listed in Matthew 1 in the genealogy of King David, King Solomon, and the King of Kings Jesus Christ. Did Jesus Pray the Lords Prayer for Himself or for Us? God sees your heart and knows your wounds. We do know that she was the lesser loved of the two wives, he loved Rachel more than Leah (Genesis 29:30 CSB). While their marriage began with deception, Leah was honored at her death by Jacob. Leah bore more children, a highly honored achievement in ancient Israel. So, he puts on a wedding feast (29:22), making it look as though he is fulfilling his end of the bargain. The Bible does not give us many details about Leah. Judahs representation also includes the four letters of the Divine name Havaya. He will work another seven years for Laban so that he can marry Rachel. When Jacob asks the sisters to come with him back home to Canaan, they are unhappy that their father gave them nothing of what he received as bridewealth during his years of service to their father. Jacob has no money to offer Rachels father Laban a bride price, so he arranges to work for him for seven years to marry her. In Leahs story, we can be encouraged that a life redeemed can not occur with the perfect spouse or an abundance of children but with a heart that is tender and surrendered to God. Unloved and unwanted, Leah was not only blessed by God with six sons and one daughter. And Leah conceived again, and she bore Jacob a sixth son. 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