longsword pathfinder 2e

You choose the damage type each time you make an attack. The shortsword is an adequate weapon, and the whole toolkit makes for an effective infiltrator, but the Cleric chassis isnt otherwise well suited to this. Champions cannot currently serve Norgorber. Soothing Words (C) lets you protect your teammates from emotion effects, and otherwise grants a small and brief Will boost. Death Domain. Cloistered Clerics care primarily about their expanded spell list, and then their focus spells, with deific weapon a tertiary consideration at best (though ranged weapons are very good to have). The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. Shelyn, Goddess of Rainbows and Lesbians NG (LG, NG, CG). C for Clerics, D for Champions. Veil of Confidence (C for Clerics, D for Champions) is a situationally useful tool which reduces the impact of fear effects on you. Champions ( C ). Shop the Open Gaming Store! Theres tactical applications, but its a very small effect for a focus point. Waking Nightmare (C) is essentially the basic Fear spell as a focus spell. You get the Warhammer as a weapon, and the Earth and Protection domains. Champions (C). Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. Tricksters Twin (B) is a solid single-target illusion which should distract them and keep them off you for at least a turn or two, and potentially more. Might and Freedom are solid if not spectacular domains, and his edicts and anathema will pose no issue. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. Just check with allies first. Asmodeus, God of Im Literally the Devil LE (LE). Alignment enables Paladins and Redeemers. Just worship Gorum instead if you want to cleave skulls. Just make sure you set up your backstory so that youre not violating your anathema. The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. Champions cannot currently serve Asmodeus. It also has Sweep. Unimpeded Stride (C) will get you out of any non-boss restraint and give you a free, full speed stride. A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. Greatsword Versatile P Source Core Rulebook pg. For all characters, having an anathema that doesnt make your life miserable can be just as important as the benefits you gain by adhering to it. Harm-only Divine Font is less than ideal. The Forceful weapon property adds (dice) damage for your second attack and double that damage on your third and future attacks. 1. Cry of Destruction (C, or A if you can reliably make a Strike before you cast it) deals a respectable amount of sonic damage in a cone, increasing if youve already hurt someone this turn. A variant of the Round feel, more compact. Would be A or even S if it didnt need sustaining. S. You have to wait for your flight, but its very nice when it comes. Its pretty good when its relevant, but its often irrelevant. Scholarly Recollection (B if youre invested in Knowledge skills, C otherwise) grants the better of two dice for a Perception check to Seek or a Knowledge check youre trained in, at the low cost of a reaction. Warpriests (C). Better in social heavy campaigns. A variant of the Round feel, more compact. Champions (B). Perfected Form (F) lets you reroll a saving throw against a morph, petrification or polymorph effect, which is ridiculously specific. None of the focus spells stand out for you, though. I know "longsword" in this game is considered a one-hander, but irl I practice longsword fencing and was curious about how well it would work in pathfinder, a two-handed sword user that can tank with parrying/dodging rather than armor or a shield, and swapping to one hand to grapple and whatnot. Nature Domain. Word of Freedom (C) lets you temporarily supress the confused, frightened, grabbed, or paralyzed condition, which can be critical in a pinch. Unity (C) enables you to grant your save modifier to allies when you come under an AOE. The spiked chain is a two-handed d8 weapon without reach. Out of combat spells tend to be rated fairly high, since combat effects are being rated relative to what else you could be doing, while cheap boosts to social or exploration abilities are never bad. Due to a sheer lack of reliability around this and room for interpretation, its a difficult tool to use effectively. | Gods and Monsters SRD | 2d20SRD Protection domain can work if you're keeping to the backline. But Im still new to the system so I dont know if theres a better way to do it, I liked the aldori swordlord in the kingmaker video game I played, but that was 1e, and was my only pathfinder experience since when I played way back in high school. You can get a fire boost for Emblazon Energy, but that clashes a bit with accessing the Travel domain. Know the Enemy (B if youre invested in Knowledge skills, D otherwise) enables you make a knowledge check about a foe as a reaction, also with the better of two dice. The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. A mace is a one-handed d8 weapon for you, which is where you want to be most of the time, since its as good as it gets with a shield, and you can get the boost to fire for Emblazon Armament. Alignment enables Redeemers and Liberators. Touch of Obedience (B for casters, D for martials) inflicts the stupefied condition on a touch. Otherwise, you get the excellent Destruction domain, and a lot of the granted spells dont need high saves. Alignment enables Paladins only. When the time comes though, the Antipaladins will love him. Shield is excellent, +2 AC and blocks. Magic Weapons. Athletic Rush (C for casters, B for martials) is a brief speed boost which comes attached to a Stride. Warpriests (C). Dreamers Call (C) is a single target debuff that basically takes them out of the fight for a round, even on a success. At spell level 5th, you gain a fly speed, which is fantastic. Champions cannot currently serve Gorum. Mystic Beacon (C) increases the effective spell level of a casters next spell. Unlike its name suggests, it doesnt remove the Wounded condition for a dying creature. The lack of anything good on a success and potential for disaster makes this pretty bad. For creatures that already have reach with the limb or limbs that wield the weapon, the weapon increases their reach by 5 feet. Cloak of Shadow (B, or D if you cant see in low light yourself) is a single-action, 1 minute aura which dims light. Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. Recent Changes Might is an okay domain, and your three buff spells are all great tools for getting into melee. Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. Maybe Death domain for extra HP, but it's largely inferior to Lay on Hands. Elven Songsword. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. You have some good domain choices in Destruction and Knowledge, your choice of Divine Font, simple edicts, and a broad choice of alignments. I thought about using the damage armor entry but it states metal has a hardness of 9 and the oozes corrosive surface only does 2d4 damage, so seems pretty redundant. Dont worry too much about the Strength requirement. Full details on how you calculate the bonuses, modifiers, and penalties for attack rolls and damage rolls are given in Chapter 9, but they're summarized here, followed by the rules for weapons and dozens of weapon choices. The edicts and anathema are very demanding, too. Silver weapons deal additional damage to creatures with weakness to silver, like werewolves, and ignore the resistances of some other creatures, like devils. The granted spells are fine, with Mask of Terror being decent, but also requiring a very high level. It can surpass the longsword (very slightly) while the wielder has 4 attacks (such as being quickened or with a class feat that provides extra Strikes for the same Actions). Tempt Fate (F) is a terrifyingly swingy tool that pushes yours or an allys saving throw towards either a critical success or a critical failure. For Clerics and Champions however, its a core aspect of their being. Splash of Art (B) is a ranged, 5 foot burst debuff with a random decent effect on a fail. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. B for knowledge-rich characters, D otherwise. Nothing fancy, but it's never bad, and you'll be very happy with it. So a longsword would be a "thin steel material" while a bow would be . Alignment enables Redeemers only. Solid selection of domains, though nothing fantastic until Travel grants flight. It also therefore grants concealment, and easy access to Hide, provided that foes cant see in the dark. For most adventurers, this can bring a little more meaning to their story. As with Rebuke Death, it competes with Lay on Hands. Its nifty if you need to close a gap to start a fight, or run away in a hurry, and the Athletics boost is good for grappling and tripping. Gozreh, God of Hugging Trees and Stormy Seas N (NG, LN, N, CN, NE). Cloistered Clerics (D). Throwing an item would be treated as Improvised Weapon, and I'd rule it like bombs in terms of missing the attack roll. Warpriests (D/A+). | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD You need a lot of healing spells before this starts being worth it, though. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. Scimitar has Forceful. An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. For lore reasons, Zon-Kuthon gets much more interesting with a Cleric or Champion of Shelyn in the party, since you get to represent the super edgy and broken older brother who is still super protective of his little sister. Zon-Kuthon, God of Edgy Characters LE (LN, LE, NE). Legal Information/Open Game License. Itll have its moments where its clutch, but that it doesnt deny any damage overall means theres better options. Its best against mobs, poor against bosses. This weapon has a hilt like a longsword attached to several bladed segments connected by chain links. Irori, God of Nerds Who Got Swole LN (LG, LN, LE). | Starjammer SRD Edicts and anathema encourage you to be heroic- which can be risky for a squishy. Warpriests (D). Archived post. Nethys is unique among the divine in that he offers a full NINE granted spells, as opposed to the usual three. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. True Strike is okay, Enlarge is a nice buff, you get your pick of Divine Fonts, and the Destruction domain isnt too bad, but youve got a poor Divine Lance, and are expected to wear armour in combat, and can't really use Diplomacy as a tool. A versatile weapon can be used to deal a different type of damage than that listed in the Damage entry. Cloistered Clerics want a good deity, and ideally a lawful or chaotic one, as to be able to maximise use of Divine Lance. Divine Lance is awkwardly limited to Lawful, though. | Heroes and Monsters SRD Their blades are heavy and they're between 3 and 4 feet in length. | OGN Articles Its not a strong debuff, but it helps in a pinch, and you can also use this in survival situations where you need food and can tolerate horrible discomfort as it materialises in your stomach. 283 4.0 Zeal for Battle (C) enables you and an ally to share the higher of your two initiative dice rolls, which averages out to about a +5 to initiative between the pair of you. Spiritual Weapon combos well for casters. The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon! Cost 15 gp Weight 4 lbs.Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type slashingCategory one-handed Proficiency martialWeapon Group heavy blades. Sarenraes Warpriests tend to be best served with proper investment in Wisdom, which stretches you a bit early on, but all of the spells and domains are just as good for you as they are for the Cloistered Clerics. | ACK-SRD | 5th Edition SRD | Cairn SRD This is called a critical specialization effect. Warpriests (D). Since Champions get free reactions to prevent damage, it's abysmal for them. The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon! D: An underwhelming or overly situational choice. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. C, but talk to your GM first. Cloistered Clerics (C). Attributes Cost 15 gp Critical Damage x2 Critical Range 19-20 Damage (Medium) 1d8 Damage (Small) 1d6 Damage Type Slashing Weapon Category One-Handed Melee Weapon Type Martial Only recommended for an explicitly evil campaign, but it works well enough there. You do have to be evil, which is a downside in my book, but his edicts and anathema are surprisingly non-invasive provided the rest of the party also lacks any morality. They apply these bonuses to both attack and damage rolls when used in combat. For weapons, you should already have better ones, and it doesnt provide a damage boost (just accuracy), so its mostly limited to getting the most from your tools. And it doesnt work with Major Striking runes. A variant of the Light theme, based on the Rulebooks. Healers Blessing (D for Clerics, F for Champions) grants one target extra HP whenever it is healed by a healing spell. Deities bring quite a lot to the table in Pathfinder Second Edition, and different characters will be interested in different aspects of them. These weapon strikes can be made with either hand. New Pages For Champions, this can mean a small boost to their Fortitude or Will save, and for Clerics, it can mean a big boost to their Will save. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. It also provides the seldom-resisted sonic damage type for Emblazon Energy for Warpriests. Source Core Rulebook pg. Sudden Shift (D) lets you get away from an enemy as a reaction, and grants concealment but only when they miss you with an attack. The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon. A variant of the Round feel, more compact. Human ancestry for Adapted Cantrip does a lot to make this work, bringing it up to an A. Warpriests (A). An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. Falchion. Warpriests (B). Warpriests (D). Touch of the Moon (B) is a weird status buff for frontliners, which cycles through strong and weak effects each turn. Longsword has Versatile P. Great. The anathema might be a little awkward in certain campaigns. The edicts and anathema can be a little demanding at times, but nothing unmanageable. At 7th level, it can affect any creature, provided they could find you attractive. | Open Fantasy SRD Everything here is great. A variant of the Light theme, based on the Rulebooks. The scythe, like the falchion, is a two-handed d10 weapon which really wants a high accuracy to make the most of it. Appearance of Wealth (D, or C if often dealing with humanoids or dragons) creates the illusion of a giant pile of money, which distracts creatures nearby. Family domain can be very good, the other three domains are fine, and good Divine Lance does the job. Warpriests (A). (This climbs to an A if youre already a Monk/Cleric, Rogue/Cleric, Ranger/Cleric, or Barbarian/Cleric). Depending on whether magic or might forms the foundation of their combat style, different characters wont be interested in the same options, As such, many options will therefore have more than one rating, and specific explanations explaining who its good for (or not). The critical fail backfire effect means you want a strong Will save to begin with, though. Shelyn enables all good causes, and her edicts and anathema wont cause any problems for you. Cloistered Clerics (C). Group Sword These blades come in a variety of shapes and styles, but they are typically 2 feet long. Erastil, God of Settlin Down on a Nice Quiet Farm LG (LG, NG, LN). Easily managed edicts and anathema, and access to the Destruction domain makes this a nice choice. Iomedae, Goddess of Paladins and Humanity LG (LG, NG). From 5th level, hide your party as well. Lightning Bolt for big AOE damage is just gravy at that point. Cloistered Clerics (D). This includes yourself, but youre unlikely to have many resistances anyway. Longsword Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Advertisement Create a free account Attributes Longsword Longsword: This sword is about 3-1/2 feet in length. | Cepheus SRD Champions (C). Two actions to push 5-10 feet, with prone on a crit fail, is barely worth it for free, let alone for a focus point. Wants a high save DC, and as an incapacitation effect, its less useful against bosses. You wont be as tanky without the shield, but thats okay- youre just there to bring the pain. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. Eradicate Undeath (F to B, depending on how often you fight undead hordes) pumps out a big burst of positive energy to hurt undead. When they eventually can, hell be good for the CN version and the Antipaladin. Champions (B). Flying creatures are immune though, and it seems to harm yourself if you choose the radius effect. | Monad Echo SRD You do get the Destruction domain and nice spells, so it's not unplayable, but one can do better. An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. 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