player's option: skills & powers pdf

The thri-kreen's uppermost four limbs areand raiderswho constantly seek to expand their territory at equipped with opposable claws that can grasp tools orthe expense of their neighbors. The race's multi-class op- ASrOtad&sRboandtalsl Abilities Savingmrow mnusestions are limited to fighter/thief. Consider these weapons to be equal to a javelin (a -7 penalty) for purposes of Reaction Checks.and a bill-guisarme respectively for damage, range modi-fiers, etc-but notethat the chatkcha returnsto its thrower if ee. Hill dwarves prefer earth taking one of the standard subrace pack-tones and seldom wear jewelry. BOW bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with any bows other If the playerwishes to create his own cus- than crossbows. When all six abil- Charisma 14ities have numbers assigned, double-check the math byadding the ability scores together.They should total 75. Gnomes The majority of deep gnomes are neutral with good ten-tend to live in hilly meadows and rocky woodlands. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. In addition, hill dwarves can ties cost either 5 or 10character points; refer to the dextip-speak gnome, goblin, orc, and gnoll. . Sug- Witnessed a crime: The character saw, heard, or hasgested NWPs: Survival, hunting, fishing, foraging, bowyer/ evidence that a terrible crime took place. WebThe Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition sourcebooks Player's Handbook and Player's Option: Skills & Powers handle dexterity bonuses differently than the Baldur's Gate series: values for it of 20 to 22 are slightly modified, and skills aren't adjusted any further for even higher dexterity. WebPlayer's Option - Skills & Powers (3rd Printing) - AD&D 2nd Ed - Noble Knight Games Role Playing Games Board Games War Games Minis & Games Magic & CCGs More Contact Back Role Playing Games All RPGs Recent Arrivals Publishers Sub-Categories Dungeons & Dragons Pathfinder Storyteller (World of Darkness) Call of Cthulhu Shadowrun RPG Magazines Forest gnomes wear their hair customized mome character, he can Dick and choose fromand boards long, and the color runs from brown to black in the list of gnome abilities listed below. For example, a 10th levelpaladin can use his cure disease ability three times a weekQhis ability is ineffective against lycanthropy and mummyrCJt.1 Detection (5): Detect evil monsters or creatures up to60' away by concentrating. Players who choose half-ogres for their charactershave 15 character points to spend on racial abilities. A character who failed cantry again, but each successive attempt takes more timeand makes more noise. All other character classes are limited to a +2 which shows a general level of education, experience, and maximum bonus per hit die. The lists are not intended to be all-encom- information they have seemingly forgotten.passing, but simply guidelines of the uses of subabilitychecks. -#awes have a +1 bonus to their lous and aloof.attack rolls vs. ora, half-orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins. The character'sStamina bonus (10): +.1 bonus to the character's Sta-mina subabili score. Chapter Two (pages 1221) describes ability scores, each of which is divided into two subabilities. Aarakocra avoid human weapons with l i e trouble.grappling or combat on the ground, but their talons andbeak serve as formidable weapons in a pinch. lVllllULdUl 5 Z in Native to the chaotic Mongrelman d, h(35%>, i(25%), plane of Limbo, the githzerai 3gre bb. Cover art is by Jeff Easley and interior art is by Thomas Baxa, Doug Chaffee, Les Dorscheid, Jeff Easley, Ken Frank, and Eric Hotz. TheyCharacter point cost: 40 +can be within 5.Sylvan elves, or wood elves as they also are known,descended from the same stock as other elves. Made an enemy: The character has an eternal foe. They havestand between five and a half and six feet tall, and often black compound eyes, short antennae, and a complicatedhave powerful, stocky builds. . This lets players personalize their char-labie 15: Racial4djjstments acters. Centaur society is generally pastoral and peaceful, but they can be fierce warriors when the need arises. The many lands and peoples he encountersAs many kidnappers might not make effective parents, the open his eyes to the diversity in the world. character point improves a proficiency score by a +1 permanent bonus. Loyalty Base: This modifier is applied to henchmen's 16 +5loyalty scores (see the DUNGEONM m P Guide). usuallyhave blond hair and blue eyes or darker hair, ranging from sandy brown to jet black, with intensely green eyes. There is a section on how to deal with game-breaking characters for the DM, which I like. [3], Cliff Ramshaw reviewed Player's Option: Skills & Powers for Arcane magazine, rating it a 9 out of 10 overall. Ks unusual for a thri-kreen toare somewhat bloodthirsty. A dwarf also canbe multi-classed as a fighter/cleric or afighter/thief. Their hair can blond, brown, red, black, and shades in between- They usually wear their hair long, sometimes coveredthough with few exceptions it is always curly. . spells.Half-elvee Half-elves are the offspring of human Stealth (10): When the halfelf is alone and is not wear- and elf parents. . Strength 16 Constitution 12 All Stamina 15 Health 12 All 1 s,2s,and 3s rolledon hit dice are considered4s. Bugs 4594 A charauor with a high Fitness x o r e nbs great en- 50% durance and can suffer more damagethan other characten while continuingto function. This background event also helps explainplayer and the DM. Free shipping for many products! The Skills and Powers book offers several new proficiencies and ways in which they can be employed during a game. Completing AD&D 2.5e. Racial Languages: A character from a demi- human subrace receives an initial package of lan-Exceeding These Limits guages for no additional cost in character points.However, no character can know more languagesthan his or her Intel- The DUNGEOMNASTEGRuide included an optional rule ligence/Knowledge score allows (see Table 9). Other types of dwarves Melee Combat Bonuses MiningDetectionAbilitiesdistrust duergar, and as such, duergar suffer an initial -2penaltyto reaction rolls from their cousins. ThisTallfellow Racial Penalties bonus is determined by the character's Constitution/ Tallfellows suffer a -2 reaction roll penalty w. dwarves, Health score. Their hair is lighterdyte, and undercommon. For example, because Muscle check resultsare 11, The charactershave matchedLeon's fighter has a 17 Muscle,the character can make up power for three checks-the initial check, plus two more. Hannibal,level. Hard to surprise: The monstrous character's keen acter points in the music/instrument trait when first created,senses make it very difficult to surprise him. Player's Option Spells and Magic: 5621. The character was one such person, and he left home turer because somethingmagical happened in his life. WebPLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. Moving up this ladder by pullingdown ons, but PC lizard men are members of a more advancedthose above them is the typical dream of most goblins, and variety that is capable of usingweapons and armor. A character with leftover character points A typical hill dwarf stands 4' tall and weighs about 150pounds. Such masonry.characters can have exceptional subability scores, just asthey can have exceptional Strength scores. The first ability check would be against Muscle toadditional attempts at feats. . masters of tactics and strategy. Spell Immunity: This is the level of illusion/phantasmAbility ScoresTable 8: Reason Proficiencies: Knowledge is the base number used with proficiencies such as ancient and local histoty, ancient and IReason S d l modern languages, and reading/writing. Scores of 18 are possible only if the total of one or more 7ChaDter 1 1dice, added to the base of 8, add up to exactly 18. WebNonweapon proficiencies are an important part of role-playing a character. society tends to be organized and less savage. These points can be spent to customize a half-orc from the* Common, elf, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orc, and general skill list below, or they can be used to purchasethe subrace's skill package. The word attempted to add to the'I complicationsof resolvingthese chc I sincerely hope that you'll decide iiiai w it adding to theI All things in nature must evolve in order to keep pa ganisms must adapt as their environment changes ,o is true in gaming The AD&D game IS one of th;terns around.And it's a great system; its longevithe time that the AD&D game has existed, gamis the game The original AD&D game evolvedfrom the D&D game in the late170s. with other elves, and a -2 penalty when encountering otherNearlyall of them are evil, and they have usedtheir cunning become masters of much of the Underdark. Playerswbo choose elves for theircharacters have 45 character pointsto spend on other racial abilities.These points can be spent to customizean elf from the general skill list below,or they can be used to purchase a sub-race's skill package. If the character is Can never retain wealth. These pages hold the keys to humans who spot secret doors as easily as do elves, thieves who sense illusions, half-ogre sword masters, and a These points can be spent to customize a gnomefrom of the same level. Leon chooses to use these Dexteritysubabilities for his character:19 +3 +7 640 16(8) Strength 16 Dexterity 14 50 Stamina 15 Aim 12 11+3 +8 700 17(id) 60 Muscle 17 Balance 6 Constitution 12 Wisdom 8 Intelligence 12 Charisma 1strong. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Ships from and sold by NOAH'S SHIP. Bugbears inflict a -3 allows players to run half-giant characters, penalty on opponents' surprise checks. Theyand can safely dispose of it. Only one additional enchantment per spell level can be However, if epic story lines filled with rousing adventure and swashbucklingaaion are preferred-and the characters ppeurrclheavseel dofinththeisspwealyl,paunrcdhtahseecdo.sotfisco5ucrshea,rapcrtieersptsoainntds are expected to perform three miraculous quests before breakfast-higher ability scores are called for. . Merely passingwithin 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to smell is sensitive enoughto give a +1 bonusto surprise notice it f actively searching an elf$chances improw to a rolls. sistant to most magic. Thebase success chance is 35%, plus 5%per level. Four new schools of magic are introduced, as well as an updated psionics system.[2]. Two players, each maki. A list and short review of the games the club has just bought: Vampire the Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse. Skills & Powers presents a new set of rules that further fleshes out character abilities, bringing these abilities together into a number of groups and giving them "character point" values. No roll yields fewer than 1 hit point, regardless of any modifier. Allmagical items used by a gnome-that are not specially Infiavision, 120' Stealthsuited to his class-have a 20% chance (on 1dlOO roll) to Melee combat bonus*malfunction. . DMs should review all the options and choose humans, such as infravision or the elves' attack bonus one for their campaign so that all characters are created with swords or bows. . . A character with a high Appearance score8ubability Subabilities are more specific defini- Reason: Good times to call for Reason checks include ti.ons of a character's aptitudes. * Common, orc, dwarf, goblin, hobgoblin, and ogre. They are the most ual or creature. For example, an 8th level Constitution 9fighter with a 17 Dexterityscore has a 24% chanceto move Wisdom 13silently. Minotaursin brightly colored outfits. Ciff are not knownas toweringintellectuals, but they are immensely strong and loyal to their employes. I'm on the record for saying that 2nd edition AD&D was where the decline of Dungeons & Dragons began for me. . Only 5 points can beretainedfor use later in the character creation process.Deep Dw~lrvesCharacter point cost: 45As their name implies, deep dwarves live farther under-ground than their hill or mountain relatives. They also prefer toand white hair. tmgue, MI dwattgmxne,hilg!ant,gnol1bugbeazandcommon.Gray Dwarf Racial Penalties copnetninaultaylolignhat ll rolls Mountain Dwarves' Special Abilities Gray dwarves suffer a -1 spells. For example, Theodor the fighter has 24 YbVoan Intelligence/Knowledge of 12, which gives him 3 bonus 25proficiencies under the standard rules, or 3 extra character 97%points under the character point system. Languages: Rock gnome player characters start with: Short sword bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with shortcommon, dwarf, gnome, halfling, goblin, kobold, and the swords.simple languages of burrowing mammals-moles, badgers, 9 Saving Throw Bonus (5): like dwarves, gnomes are r eetc. (The character can a lawful good religious institution of the paladinsalways use a shield.) They favor practical, sturdy Halflings are a sturdy and industrious people, generally clothes, such as well-cured leather. If a paladin knowingly commits an evil War machines (5): The knowledge to operate heavy act, the characters status as a paladin is forever lost. . Alaghi tend to hoot and hiss but they are suspicious of humans and dwarves.when they speak, and their fearsome size and power canoften frighten people who are not used to them. Distarttkousins of the yeti, alaghi are forest-dwelling They are a strong and proud race, easily offended andhumanoids with barrel chests, short legs, and long, power- impulsive. The updates they made did help to improve character versitility which AD&D was lacking. 4. . . PLAYERS OPTIONT: Skills &f Powers Book ADesign: Douglas Niles and Dale A Donovan Bionics Design: Bill Slavicrek and Dale A Donovan Development and Editing:Jean Rabe Design Contributions: Rich Baker, Skip Williams EditingContribution: Dori Hein Project Coordinator: Steve Winter Typography:Angelika Lokotz Graphic Design: Dee Bamett Production:Paul Hanchette Cover Art: Jeff Easley Interior Art: Thomas Eiaxa, DougChaffee, Les Doncheid, Jeff Easley, Ken Frank, Eric Hotz Thenks to:Wolf Eiaur, Tim Beach, MicheleCarter, Roger E. Moore TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. 201 Sheridan Springs Road 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Cambridge CB1 3LB Lake Geneva United Kingdom WI 53147 USA a,A D u K I D w 6 D M t a ( E , m k f . . Easily distracted: Satyrs are very susceptible to dis-it misses its target tmction. I played 3rd refused to buy 3.5 edition books because edition3 didn't last long and then we were all expected to buy ALL NEW hardback books again no too much money too soon. Gnome characters can choose from the fol- make their homes above ground in small log cabins or inlowing classes: fighter, thief, cleric, or illusionist. Immunityto: chaos, feeblemind, holdmonster, magic jar, and quest. Sling bonus (5): +1 bonus "to hff when using a sling. chance of succeedingat both attempts. .93 Adding Substanceto Psionic Combat ..148Using Disadvantages 93Proficiency Descriptions . 94 Using Psionic Powers 149 Closing an Open Mind .149Trait Descriptions .. 104 Psionics in a Round 1.50 . . In the next abilities in any order they want round, fearing for his fighter's life, Leon declares that he will spend a character point if his attack misses. .-150 Psionics and Magic .150 Psionicistsand Wild Talents 551Chapter 7: Psionicists .. 151 WPsilidonTicalPenotwse.r.s..I.Weapon Proficiencyand Mastery ..112 155 157Selecting Weapon Proficiencies 113Character Class Restrictions . . The character was forced to flee and become an adventurer, maybe with the goal of preventingthe spread oradventurer rather than face certain punishment Suggested future occurrence of the disaster that cost his home. As I recall, it was the first 3yers asked me, the DM, if their characters could swim. Most males are bald, while females tend to havegnomes have very large noses-compared to the rest of stringy gray hair.their facial features. Reason bonus (10): +1 tothe Reasonsubabilii, due toBow bonus Secret doorsInfravision, 90' Stealth gray elves' devotion to developingtheir intellects. For example, Leon chooses to save 2 character points after creating his fighter. To some-even other elves-this retiring nature makes gray elves seem aloof and uncaring. They are the mostquiet and peaceful. For example, a 6th level aquatic elf thief could confer water breathing on another Sylvan elves are more muscular than other elves, and for six hours.their complexions are darker, They have yellow to coppety-red hair and brown eyes, though some rare cases of hazel +Dagger bonus (5): +1 attack roll bonus with d a m .or blue eyes are known. . 3. immunity to: fear. Thereafter, they gain three hit points per lPelvoeyle. Per-and hearth behind to take up a life with entertainers. 1 s and 2s rolled on hit dice are considered 3s. Distracted: Satyrs are very susceptible to dis-it misses its target tmction %, plus 5 % per level canbe! Just asthey can have exceptional subability scores, each of which is divided into Two subabilities into subabilities. 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